When DS was first born we were remodeling our house and went ahead and remodeled one bedroom as DS's "big boy room" complete with bunk beds thinking we'd have our second child when he was about 2 and a half. Well, we started trying and got pregnant the first try, so I'm a little thrown off on what to do.
He's a great sleeper now. At nap time, he goes in his crib and plays with toys for awhile until he goes to sleep. About three hour nap every day. Then he goes to bed about 7pm every night, we just put him down and don't hear a peep until about 6am the next morning. Maybe once a week I'll hear him cry for a few minutes in the middle of the night and then he'll drift back off.
The goal is to not have to take apart the bunk beds and make a whole new nursery. So I'm thinking that we'll need to transition him to a toddler bed in maybe Feb/March and then transition him to his "big boy" room where he'll sleep on the trundle bed (so he doesn't fall out) until he's like 2 and a half or so. But I'm really afraid of ruining his very good sleep schedule. I doubt he'll stay in bed for naps and I'm afraid he'll get out of bed in the middle of the night when he does wake up and try to come sleep with us.
So what have others done in this situation. At what age did your DS start sleeping in a toddler bed? The only other solution I can think of is removing everything that could possibly hurt him (bookcase, dresser, lamp, rocker, etc) and putting a gate on the door.
Re: Ready for a toddler bed at 2?
Taylor moved from crib to Queen when she was 20 month old.
Audrey moved from crib to Twin when she was 22 months old.
2 is a good time to move them....they love the big bed. I wasn't going to pay a lot of money for another crib that we only needed for a few months!
Good luck!