Does anyone have one of these? They look so cool and I love reading! But I can't exactly imagine curling up with a good book using one of these. Does anyone have any feedback on them? Thanks so much!
I don't have one but I'd LOVE to. I hate holding books open when I read. I have a little carpel tunnel and it hurts my hand to hold a book open for a long time. Right now thought I'd rather deal with the physical pain rather than the pain to my wallet.
i have a kindle and just can't get into it! there's something about holding a real book for me. and also i like filling up my bookshelves. the kindle has a great screen and is easy to read on, but i don't know. something is missing. i rarely, rarely use it. i really like it for the newspaper, though! i hate getting my hands dirty with gross newsprint
I LOVE to read. DH was going to get me a sony one for xmas, and I?m so glad he told me because I told him it would be a waste. I?m a hardcore traditionalist when it comes to reading?I like holding the book in my hand, dog-earing the pages, putting it on a bookshelf, coming back a re-reading it a couple of years later. Plus, I stare at a computer screen all day at work, I don?t want to be doing that during my relaxing time, either.
I have a friend, though, that loves hers. She uses it for her school books (she?s getting her degree now).
My babies!!
Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11
Re: NPR:Avid readers-kindle or sony reader
I LOVE to read. DH was going to get me a sony one for xmas, and I?m so glad he told me because I told him it would be a waste. I?m a hardcore traditionalist when it comes to reading?I like holding the book in my hand, dog-earing the pages, putting it on a bookshelf, coming back a re-reading it a couple of years later. Plus, I stare at a computer screen all day at work, I don?t want to be doing that during my relaxing time, either.
I have a friend, though, that loves hers. She uses it for her school books (she?s getting her degree now).
My friend has a kindle and she loves it. She takes it everywhere with her.