
Your Baby Can Read???

Ok so last night when I was up at 4am feeding the baby there was something on TV about that Your Baby Can Read program ( Do you think this really works? It is only $14.95 free shipping......

Re: Your Baby Can Read???

  • LOL...I was going to ask about this too.  I can't tell if it is totally infomercial b/s or what.
  • I saw it as well, and was interested so I went to the website. Its "only" $14.95 for the 30 day trial...then like $250 if you keep it!
    Grant Thomas 8.8.06 and Reid Alexander 8.11.08
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  • I bought it for $40 when I was pregnant or when DD was really little. It's interesting. She loved to watch it, but really, unless you sit with them all the time, she won't learn anything. Honestly, it goes WAY too fast for her. Shows the word for 2 seconds (if that) and then says it, then shows it and says it again. Does that for about half an hour with some words repeated over and over.

    For $15? sure. For $250? No way.

    Samantha Skye - Aug 30, 2006 AND Maxwell Griffin - April 14, 2009
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I personally think it's a bit weird. They have their whole life to read, and to learn it on their own time. Why force it at such a young age?
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