Snarky and T-TTC

i don't think i'm getting it back..

my CBEFM. i got an error message in early nov. so i had to send in to the lab so they could do an "analysis" on it or they would send me a new one. well i've called twice to check on the status of it, they've told me it's still "in process" whatever the hell that means. i called again to day -- still nothing.

i don't thik i'm going to get it back and i suck at OPKs. i'm temping, but i'm training for the marathon and our room gets really cold at night and i think that's through my temps off. i had cm sat. and sun but according to the temps i have not ovulated yet. so who the hell knows. 

what the hell am i going to do without my CBEFM? we start TTC next month. no way in hell am i buying a new one.

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