DS sucks his when he is in the car, watching t.v. or in bed. So pretty much just as much as ever.
We haven't tried discouraging him from doing it yet (not that I would really know how to do this). I figured: reminding him that it's in there and/or using that icky stuff for nail biters (although I think he would actually like that icky stuff since he likes the orajel that I put on his 2yr molars coming in. He calls it yum yums)...lol.
Just wanted to see if I was alone in having a 2+yr old still sucking their thumb.
Re: Any 2+yr olds still sucking thumb?
Liam is 5!
Mine does. When in the car, bored, or tired. She also twirls her hair at the same time.
I figure one thing at a time. Potty training first. Then we'll try to figure out the thumb. My niece was 7 before she stopped thumb-sucking.
I know that someone said in a post below that most kids probably start out sucking their thumb or binky during the night, but then it falls out once they are alseep. Well....... this picture shows plain as day that ds sucks his througout the night. I took these pictures at 7am and he was in deep sleep, but still sucking away.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Isabella will be 3 next week and still sucks her thumb. Like the others, it usually goes in her mouth when she's tired or sitting in the car.
I have spoken to her pedi about it several times (after a few not-so-nice comments from family members about her "buck teeth") and the pedi said there is nothing to worry about. Chances are she will stop next year when she starts school because other kids aren't doing it and if she doesn't we won't focus on getting her to quit until her baby teeth fall out.
So for now, I'm not worried about it.
well, DD doesn't suck her thumb...but she still sticks EVERYTHING in her mouth. She has a serious oral fixation - ACK! I constantly have to tell her not to chew on stuff and/or bite things. She grabs stuff in her mouth and carries it around like a dog.
She also has just RECENTLY become obsessed with tags - she has a baby doll that she calls her "tag baby" (for the manufacturer tag on her butt) and now she HAS to be playing with the tags on our pillows while having her milk at night. I thought the taggie thing was for infants, not preschoolers - freakin weirdo!
My ds (who will be 3 in Feb.) sucked his thumb like crazy up until 3 weeks ago. He fell on the playground at school and scraped up his sucking thumb. Therefore he couldn't suck it. It was a rough couple of nights for us at first because he ws so frustrated and couldn't sleep well, but now it is 3 weeks later...all healed up and he has NO interest in sucking his thumb or his security blankets. Bam..he is done. I was thrilled that that was all it took for him, but I was also a bit sad...I didn't take pictures or prepare for the end of the adorable thumbsucking.