So we went to his baby prep class yesterday. One of the things they had said was that the twins should not share a crib because of the SIDS risk. I think this is stupid and silly and really want my babies to comfort each other when they are sleeping. What do you think and what did you do?
Of course, my husband thinks I am going to be a terrible mother if I put them in the crib together.
Re: MoM's- Sleeping question
We had them together in the crib for a while. When we first got home from NICU the only place they'd sleep was in their carseats. They were in there for about a month. Then we put them in the crib together. They stayed there until about 4 months old - until Ben started getting too big to share a crib and they were moving around a little.
our NICU told us not to, too. even though they were cobedded there, they have monitors and nurses watching them 24/7.
that said - we DID cobed them, but we kept them about a foot apart. probably defeats the purpose, but with the swaddling blankets, i didn't want anyone getting a blanket in the face.
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
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