Noah woke up at about 11 making the scariest sounding noise ever. We thought he was choking on part of his paci or something. He had a barking cough and was gasping for air. I have never been so afraid. We took him to the ER and he was a champ for the most part. The doctors ran tests on him and determined he has croupe. They gave him a steroid and a breathing treatment and had him "rest" there for awhile. Poor baby.
He is doing good this morning and hardly coughing. Oh and according to his doctor last night, he probably got the croupe at his school. Because you know, "daycares are just a sess (sp?) pool of infection (with an eye roll added in there)." Jack ass.
Re: Spent the night in the ER.
ugh...that sucks. Croup is scary-we dealt with that last winter. I'm glad he's feeling better.
Oh, and I'm asked virtually every time we go to the dr. about if he's in daycare. And then get the "I knew it" look. What, kids that stay home don't get sick ever??
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
Ugh, glad he is okay. The dr sounds like a winner.
Glad he is doing better! Croup is so scary.
And, tell that doctor that Jackson has had croup and has never been to daycare... how'd he get it then? LOL. Jackass is right.
That sucks. I'm glad he's doing better this morning.
What an asshat doctor. Moron.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Croup is scary. DS gets it a few times a year and it always terrifies me. If it happens again, you can try steaming up the bathroom and taking him in there for 10-15 minutes, then bundle up and go outside for 10-15 minutes.
And yeah, it's a virus, and he probably got it at daycare, but kids will get sick any time they are around other kids. Sorry the doctor was a jerk.
Poor baby!!
And I hate when doctors say things like that about daycare like people have much of a choice when it comes to childcare. I'm a SAHM but my doctor in my previous state was always making comments about daycare and preschool. What do they want us to do? Not let our kids around other kids because they might get sick? Come on, live in the real world people!!
OMG, really? I'm so sorry, poor guy. I'm glad to hear he is doing better though. That must have been terribly scary for you guys
ER docs are known for being the worst. So sorry you have to deal with that on top of everything else.
(5 year old twin girls)