do your kids share a room. we have a 2 yr old and 10 month old both girls. they share a room now, but we are thinking of giving them their own rooms when we move into our new home. what's your thoughts?
Mine have separate rooms. Sharing a room would not work for us. On the rare occasion I let them lay together in my bed to fall asleep, it takes a long time...they're so chit-chatty. It's fun to listen to, but not condusive to falling asleep!
Mine have separate rooms. Neither are great sleepers so I can't imagine how much worse it would be having them in the same room. Anyway, I like the idea of separate rooms as they get older. Everyone likes a little privacy. I know I liked it growing up.
My girls share a room... Amelia's nursery was as big as our bedroom, and the third bedroom is downstairs (we're upstairs), so it didn't make sense to us to not put Sylvie in the nursery as well. It's fine. Occasionally (like when one of them is sick), I'll bring Sylvie to sleep in our room (we have a pack-n-play in there that she naps in- they don't nap together in the afternoon), but other than that it's pretty smooth.
A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garrett
A ~ 2.7.06
S ~ 9.2.07
oh, and I know I'm in the minority here, but I think that sharing rooms as a kid is a great learning experience. No better way to learn about sharing, compromise, and tolerance, I think. I'll keep them in the same room for a loooong time.
A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garrett
A ~ 2.7.06
S ~ 9.2.07
My girls are 2.5 and 10 months and they do share a room and probably always will...or at least for a long time. We did have a problem for a while because DD#2 is just not a good sleeper. I would love it if they had their own rooms because we do things like CIO or so that one would sleep later than the other in the mornings. But the thing is, we have four bedrooms, but we'd rather have one as a guest room (because it's huge and way bigger than a 2-year-old needs) than have them each have their own room. We also have to use one of the rooms as an office for me because I WAH. When/if we have DC#3, the girls will move into the guest room with bunk beds or even two twin beds or whatever and the new baby would take the nursery. They'll be used to sleeping together anyway. It just makes sense in our current house. Not sure about if we moved if we'd change it around. There are advantages to not having a guest room, right?
My 4 1/2 and 3 y/o's share a room (they have since they were 22 months and 3 months), it's been great! I think there are a lot of benefits for them in sharing and they love it - often they sleep in the same bed. I think it's really helped any sleep regression, knowing the other is there.
I want to add that it is totally different if it's the norm rather than the occasional time they sleep together in your bed and they are chit-chatty. Mine fall asleep very quickly together, but have a hard time when they are apart. When they are older they will have their own rooms (10ish).
Re: ? for moms with kids close is age.
3 boys (15, 8, 6), 1 girl (4)
I want to add that it is totally different if it's the norm rather than the occasional time they sleep together in your bed and they are chit-chatty. Mine fall asleep very quickly together, but have a hard time when they are apart. When they are older they will have their own rooms (10ish).
3 boys (15, 8, 6), 1 girl (4)