
Did you re-use everything you could with #2?

We just found out on Wed that #2 is a girl...which means we have almost everything we need. We might need to purchase different clothes because they are opposite seasons, but we'll do that as necessary.


Anyways, since DD is in a big girl bed, I could totally reuse all her bedding for the crib. DD #2 will have all of DD#1's furniture because we are getting #1 all new furniture. Part of me is sad though that the nursery will look exactly the same and that #1 won't have anything unique to her. Do you think it's totally extravagant to buy new bedding? I wouldn't go crazy and get something really expensive-just a new bumper and crib sheet/bed skirt and some new curtains or something..



Re: Did you re-use everything you could with #2?

  • I'm reusing everything and #2 is a boy.  Kate's stuff like bedding, infant clothes, bouncer, etc were pretty gender neutral so I'm not expecting to buy much new at all.
  • Congrats on DD#2! 

    We had a boy, then a girl, but yes, I re-used everything I could.  We just don't have the money to buy everything new.  Sometimes I feel bad that DD doesn't have as much new, but then I also am glad to see her in some of the same things as DS.  Plus, we did get gifts, so those items were brand new and just for DD. 

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  • I have a boy and a girl but we did not re use everything I could. I did reuse most of the big items, but I also bought new things that I just wanted. We will do the same with #3 as well. I will reuse a lot, but I will buy somethings new...carseat, bedding, most clothing (I will reuse some) and I really want a new swing and PNP.
  • If my #2 had been a girl, I would've bought an entirely new, bedding curtains, etc.  I would've re-used as many clothes as I could have, but bought new for special occassions.  Since we had a boy, we did an entire room anyway and are still using as many hand me down clothes as possible (the kids are the same season).  I would never try to justify a whole new bedroom for's perfectly valid, just do it!
  • Yes, we've reused everything possible so far, and like you our boys are opposite seasons so at least it has meant I get to do some clothes shopping :)  I had to buy a whole 3-6 month wardrobe b/c DS #1's clothes were all summer, and obviously it's the middle of winter now when DS #2 needs this size.

    I loved the nursery bedding, so was actually glad to get to continue to use it.  Maybe if I hadn't loved it then I would have been tempted to replace it, but luckily that wasn't the case.  If something isn't in good shape, then I'll replace it, but otherwise I just can't justify replacing something for the heck of it. 

    Jack 3.5.07 / Ethan 9.17.08 / Lauren 4.3.11 image
  • I re-used as much as I could.  But I did buy girly bedding even though ds's bedding was neutral.  I just wanted to buy the girly stuff.  I also wanted her to have new things, b/c she is special too!  So I think it's fine to buy her new things if you want to/can.
    DS - June 2006 DD1 - November 2007 DD2 - August 2010
  • my first was a boy, second is a girl.  re-using everything except the bedding. We bought her new bedding/curtains, clothes.  Other than that, yes, she uses blankets that are blue or have soccer balls on them.  from time to time she sleeps in blue jammies.  I got new bottles, new pacifiers, etc. but other than that we're re-using stuff, why not?  Especially in this economy.
  • Oops..I meant that #2 wouldn't have anything unique to her..

     I don't think we'll buy a new carseat/PNP or any of that stuff-everything she has is in great shape. And our strollers are all singles that we invested in planning on #2 using them. 

     I'll have to see how much the bedding comes to. Maybe it can be a gift from someone :)

  • We're reusing everything. Both boys. I'm kinda sad the nursery will look the same, but it's been a few years since the stuff has been used so hopefully it will seem new again. Opposite seasons too so I'm sure we'll have to buy some new clothes.
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