MH was talking to his sister last night on the phone. She asked what we got his parents for Christmas, he told her (we spent $50 on both of them). SIL got all pissy and told MH that we should spend more $ on the IL's. MH explained to her that I SAH and while we are doing fine, we don''t have alot of extra money and that's all we chose to spend on our parents (who don't need anything anyway).
She then told him that I should go back to work and put the kids in DC so we can spend more on people for Christmas b/c $50 wasn't enough.
am beyond pissed. She is usually a biitch to me but I am so sick
of it and I really want to tell her off. I always let MH handle
her b/c I'm afraid I'll punch her in the face but even after sleeping
on it I still feel the need to address it with her.
BTW she is 27, not married, no kids, works part-time as a bartender and lives in her parents basement - ie. no responsibilities.
Re: Thanks for your advice SIL - Vent
In the future, I'd have your DH not tell your SIL about the presents. ?Then you can avoid it altogether.?
If she said anything else.. I'd have DH remind her what Christmas is REALLY about instead of spending $ on presents!
[[hugs]] sorry she made you feel bad! ?
O.k. Wow, I'd just ignore her then because she obviously has NO grasp on reality at this point in her life. Maybe one day she will understand. Until then, don't let her get to you. Y'all are doing the right thing...and I'm sure the IL's would agree! $50 per person is just fine! She sucks! Clearly.
I can't believe she said that to your DH - that was totally out of line. What was his response?
I'd be beyond pissed too.
MH hung up on her, I'm really proud of him, I wouldn't have done the same.
We got her a candle set, I'm thinking of returning it and buying her a bunch of crap from the dollar store, she's about quantity over quality.
ok. Maybe I took the "ha" a little too far.??
Hahahahaha! I hope so!