When you are PTing your DS do you have him sit or stand?
I have him sit, MIL thinks I'm crazy...because boys stand to pee, not sit. Also she says he should be trained by now because "dh was done by 1yr!"
Yeah, I'm not believing that....but curious about the sit/stand thing.
Re: PT'ing ? about boys...
dh and I just talked about it last night and he says have him sit. Standing will be too messy right now. We are staring pt'ing on Dec. 18th his 1st day of xmas break from preschool. I can't wait.
I read and we are doing it sitting.... mainly because when you poop, you also pee and didn't want to confuse it all for the moment.
My DS is training himself now....he's 3.5 and it's so much less stressful this way. One day he decided he wanted to practice pooping and he is now decided to do both. He is still in a pull up, but we are taking things at his pace.
My MIL said that about DH too - I think we all must have had exceptionally smart husbands or something
Anyway, I started out having him sit, but we weren't getting much accomplished. He went to the pool one day with daddy (this was over the summer) and Daddy introduced him to the world of standing. So, he's been doing that ever since - it's what got him to go - "going like daddy".
I think the idea is to start out sitting and get the idea down - that way they can poop at the same time if it happens, but this is what worked for us (of course, he's still not fully poop trained...).
My MIL and DH's grandma claimed he was potty trained by 18 months...I think they were both smoking crack. At 12 months old they started trying to get me to potty train DS1...they apparently were still smoking crack.
I wouldn't start potty training until YOU are ready, tell your MIL to shove it unless she wants to potty train your son herself.
Youd DS is young. If he is ready to train now, I would have him sit. You can teach him to stand later. At this point it is doubtful he would have the coordination.
We started DS sitting, and then taught him to stand once he was closer to 3. It wasn't hard to get him interested in it. We threw a couple of cheerios in the potty and had him do target practice. He thought it was hilarious.
OMG-- you have me LMAO/LOL! I'm not starting DS right now, I'm waiting until he's two and moves up to the older room in daycare. They do a lot of PTing in there, so he'll have some peer pressure to try. Last night however, I noticed he was trying to poop, so I said-- "OH! you're pooping, do you want to go on the potty?!" He smiled and ran to the bathroom, so I set him up on there and a minute or so later (while I was talking to him/holding him up on the potty) he pooped. (total fluke, I'm sure) He was excited, I told him how good/big boy he was... yada yada yada. He told him poop "bye" (i didn't tell him to do that) and he flushed it. he was super excited about it though. LOL. So, I'll ask him when I notcie he's pooping, but I'm not going to force it, or scold him for not doing it... KWIM?
And yes, MIL's and GMIL's had to be smoking crack to believe DH's were PT'd at/before 1yr. Hell-- most kids are barely walking then! I think their memory is a little off, and they forget how important a few months are.