Toyota finally made up their mind. The contract company he was supposed to work for is getting screwed, too, so he has no job after he goes on break for Christmas. Luckily for us it didn't happen until after Maile was born. The cobra would have been almost as much as our monthly bills. The unemployment will be a huge cut, though, which sucks, and we need to find private insurance now. It's just happening to so many people right now. It really sucks, and I have no clue what kind of job he's going to find that will pay comparably.
Re: Well, looks like DH will be unemployed after all
Ugh, that really sucks, I'm sorry.
Will he be getting any kind of severance package?
Ha! No.
It really is good to just know. They've been going back and forth on it since July, and we were really just hoping that it would wait until after Maile was born so we could keep our insurance.
Yeah insurance is paramount. When I go back to work, if I decide to go p/t I will be working soley for the insurance after paying daycare for two. So at least you had the insurance when the baby was born.
I feel for your dh- Ford laid off (forced early retirement) my dad after 25 years. economy sucks. Hang in there!