
New on here!

I just found this board and after my 3 day waiting period to post I can finally talk to you all!! 

Background:  I am 33 yrs old and pregnant with twin girls.  They are due on January 4th.  These are our first children and we're not sure if we'll try again for more and risk multiple multiples.  lol  They were conceived through our 2nd IVF. 


We've worked out who is going to take care of the babies after I go back to work, my Mom.  She has done the same for my sister and brother's children and they have paid her a small salary ($20 per day).  It covers her gas, etc.  I told DH of the amt and he flipped saying that she should do it for free.  He wants his mom to do it because she'd do it for free.  Problem is she has other family obligations and is not the most reliable person in the world.  I just see this as not working out.  I suggested she do 1 day a week to start off with to see how she does and if she stiffs us then she's out because I need someone dependable.  Not to mention that I'm not thrilled that my babies will have 3 caregivers and schedules will be messed up.  Any advice on this? or similiar stories?  I just can't believe that this is causing us to fight so much and they aren't even born yet!!!

 thanks ladies!!! 

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