
You know, I think MH WANTS me to be pg again.

In his head he knows we are done.

But he's pretty much fessed up to kinda sorta wanting another baby.  And I think he'd be pretty happy if I were pregnant again.  But he doesn't have to be all pregnant and running after now TWO kids.  Or nurse them for months and months and months.

I like kids.  They're cute and newborns are squishy and sweet. 

But, uh uh, no way do I need or want another one. 

Oh, and I can't POAS yet.  Too early.  But I may pick some up today in the hopes that it'll spur AF on.


Me with my littlest.

Re: You know, I think MH WANTS me to be pg again.

  • Could he talk to MH and convince him that we should have a third?  I always thought I'd be done after 2 kids, but am really questioning that.  It's been hard, but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be...or maybe I'm just in sleep deprived denial.  :)

    And POAS always seems to be the best way to bring on AF for some reason...I just AF just likes to see us waste our money.

    Gavin - 12.05.06 and Molly - 10.22.08
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  • I think I would cry if DH wanted a third... but thank god he has come to his senses...
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  • Well, my H gets a lot more lovin when I'm pg, so he probably does prefer me pg.

    Have you only had AF once since B was born?  My cousin had it once very early after birth, then didn't get it again till the baby was a year old.

    Good luck- I can't even friggin imagine

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  • If you're BFing you might just be lucky and not get AF for a very long time.  I had one long period after birth and didn't get it again until DS was one and I started weaning him!
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  • DH went through a time where he would tell anyone who'd listen, "we are done" and then Nathan moved up to the toddler room, two of his friends had another boy and I can tell tell that he's changing his mind.  The other day he saw my empty pill box and asked (with a smile), did you quit taking those? He seemed disappointed that I hadn't.  I really want a baby in another season was hard having two birthdays in a row, so we will wait at least 4-6 months. 

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