
Pooping durling delivery

Were you nervous about this beforehand?

Do you know if you did or didn't?

If you did, does it embarrass you?


(taken from 0-6)

I was nervous about it before Ethan, but I really didn't care what happened once the time came. No, it doesn't embarrass me at all. 

Re: Pooping durling delivery

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  • -no

    -I don't know if I did

    -If I did, not it does not embarrass me, it is a natural thing.?

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  • No, I didn't really worry about it. I figured it happens all the time, doctors are used to it, and there was nothing I could do to prevent it, so worrying wasn't going to do my any good.

    I ended up getting an emergency c-section before I even had to start pushing, so I'm glad I never worried about it! 

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • To be perfectly honest it was one of the main reasons I was very happy to have a c-section. I know it is vain, but so am I   : )

  • I wasn't "nervous"... I thought about it then found out I was having a c-sec.

    No, I wouldn't have been embarrassed...not like it would be intention or the first or last time it's been done. :)

  • honestly, never gave it a thought and have no idea if I did. 

    On the other hand, DD pooped all over the charge nurse the split second she was delivered.  Made me a little happy, cause the charge nurse was a wee bit cranky that day.

  • I wasn't too worried about it.

    I did not do it. I had a natural birth and have heard you are less likely to do it with no drugs because you can get up and go to the bathroom and you body tends to clear itself out before you deliver, whereas with an epidural you are not up and around and going to the bathroom so you are more likely to go during delivery. Don't know if this is true for everyone, but seems to be for most people I know at least.

  • I was nervous about it beforehand, but once the time came it didn't really occur to me.  Of course, I've never asked whether or not I did...
  • I was nervous about it and made sure I did went I was in early labor... once the time came I didn't care if I did but afterwards I would have cared... thankfully I didn't do it with either of my deliveries.
  • Guess I'll be the first to admit that I know I did.  I didn't care and no, I'm not embarrassed about it. Smile
    Mommy to three adorable boys!
  • Sorry, don't know what happened there!

  • imagesunshiny79:
    Guess I'll be the first to admit that I know I did.  I didn't care and no, I'm not embarrassed about it. Smile


    I know I did with Ethan, I know I did not with Bella, and I think I did with Maile, although DH says he doesn't think I did. 

  • I was somewhat nervous about it beforehand but knew there wasn't any way to control it, so I tried not to think about it!

    DH says that I did not (I didn't even ask because I figured he'd lie even if I had, but we were watching a TV show or comedian or something that mentioned it, and he voluntarily stated that I had not...hooray!)


  • I had heard about it, but, while I was in labor, I didn't care.

    Nothing happened with my 1st.  But, with my 2nd, bad things happened.  I didn't poop on the table, but things happened in that region that resulted in the worst 'roids ever and I've never been the same.  I did, however, pee all over DD when she came out.  Then, they put her on my chest, and she peed all over me.  She got even. 

  • Were you nervous about this beforehand?  Heck yes!

    Do you know if you did or didn't?  I did not...I chose the enema prior to delivery for that very reason!

    If you did, does it embarrass you?  N/A

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  • I was not nervous about it beforehand.


    I don't know if I did (but I don't think I did)


    If I had, I would not be embarrassed.  It's just poo.  The doctors and nurses have seen it all before.

    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • (TMI!) I didn't really think about it at all because I had been having loose BM's the few days prior & didn't think there was too much left! While I was in labor I had mad diarrhea before I had her, so I had time to sit on the pot, etc! So, no, I didn't go on the table! lol!
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  • Yeah, I was nervous about it.  I know it's normal and the doctors and nurses see it all the time, but still...

    I asked MH doesn't think I did.  If I did, no I'm not that worried about it.

  • I was not nervous about it beforehand and yes, I did during med-free delivery w/DD#1.  Totally remember it happening and not caring AT ALL because I was working hard to push out that baby.  As far as know, I did not w/DD#2, but I had an epi with her...
  • i wasn't worried about it b/c i know it happens all the time- they just sweep it away.

    I asked DH afterwards if i pooped - he didn't know if i did or didn't... so who knows... i don't care.

  • 1. Wasn't nervous

    2. Yes, I definitely did

    3. Only embarrassed a little bit

    I had more important things to focus on, like getting DD out.

  • I didn't think a thought about it. Although, I pooped all during my labor. I literally spent every third contraction on the toilet. My poor mom had to wipe my butt.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • I had no idea with my first but asked later (I did.)

    I actually did feel myself pooping with my second.

    But seriously, you're shoving this massive baby out and they EXPECT poop so they have all the wipes right there.  My nurse said if you DON'T poop it's unusual.  I was more interested in getting baby out (no drugs, by choice, and my second hurt a lot more pushing than my first.)

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