
My flameful confession.

When I was younger (17), my mom took me to a doctor to help with my weight. He gave me diet pills (adipex). I lost a lot of weight, and dropped from a size 12/14 to a size 4. I took them for a month and then kept the weight off myself for quite a while. It also gave me a mild case of tachycardia (sporadic rapid heartbeat).

Here?s the horrible part: If I found a doctor willing to prescribe them to me, I?d totally do it again right now.

I was a size 6 when I got married, but that took many hours in the gym every day and very careful, detailed attention to what I eat. It?s just so frustrating because I can?t find time to work out, and it?s sooo hard to eat well when, between everything I have to do at work and at home, I can barely find time to pee, let alone plan my meals.

My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage

Re: My flameful confession.

  • Yikes...I would too!  I love working out but refuse to give up any of the three hours a night I spend with DS. 

    Liam is 5!
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  • I'd never take diet pills b/c I'm a worry wort about anything like that, but I totally understand what you are saying and feel the same way.  I'm really hard on myself about my weight and the way I look...I always have been :(
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  • If I could find a diet pill that would not hurt DS while I am nursing I would take it in a heartbeat, I would also probably cut my calories down to below 1000 a day if I was not nursing.
  • Part of me wishes I had the nerve to take diet pills again - because they seemed to really speed up my weightloss in college.

    I did not care about the side affects because they seemed to be working...that's until I passed out on the treadmill and they took my blood pressure and it was dangerously high. I got an asschewing from my dr. about taking them when I fessed up.

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  • I am hovering @ 138lbs.  I was 184 at the end of my pregnancy.  Back in the day, when I was 138 I did Atkins and went to 119.  I am 5'5.  I feel fat.  DH doesn't help w/ some of his comments. 

    I would take a pill in a heartbeat, if there were no side effects.

  • If I didn't think diet pills would kill me (I have high blood pressure and fear I'd just explode on diet pills), I'd be popping them all. the time. ?How's that for flameful?!?
  • imageAndrewsgal:
    If I could find a diet pill that would not hurt DS while I am nursing I would take it in a heartbeat, I would also probably cut my calories down to below 1000 a day if I was not nursing.

    Now that would be crazy.  I would be starving all day long and just feel horrible.  I already start to feel faint if I get too busy and eat lunch later than usual.  I think I need 2000 calories/day just to function.

    I always thought that diet pills were just a scam.  The instructions with them always said to "reduce calorie intake and exercise."  I assumed that was why they worked  - because people were already doing what they were supposed to to lose weight.  Do they really help you lose faster?

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • I have been getting up at 5 to go to the gym, and it is wonderful. ?I used to go during the day and take the kids, but I recently needed to "find more hours in the day," so I get up in the dark and go myself. ?I am telling you, it has been miraculous for me :) ?And I take a hot, long shower all by myself. ?MH now does the morning routine before he goes to work.
  • Yes, there are some that work. They?ve basically been outlawed now. These were the same pills that caused major heart issues with people. I mean, I was tachycardic for years afterward.

    But it was awesome. I rarely felt hungry, I could eat anything, but got full 2 bites into it. I had tons of energy. I was efficient, focused, I could take on the world. That?s what happens when you?re on speed.

    They only prescribe it now to the morbidly obese. I could go online and get them, but I don?t trust those things.

    As for the working out, I literally cannot find the time. Well, I can, but then I don?t see DS. I leave the house at 6:45, which is when the nanny shows up. I can?t ask her to come sooner. DH leaves at 5:45. We get home around 6:45 at the earliest. DS goes to bed at 7:30-8. We have dinner, feed the dogs, clean up, get ready for tomorrow, it?s 10:30-11. Wake up and do it all over again. DH works on Saturdays, too.

    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • any chance of exercise during the workday?  I know, it isn't easy :(

    I got better about my diet by packing lunch and a snack for myself.  I would go to a deli in the morning and get a few hard boiled eggs and some fruit, and keep cereal and a few other snacks at my desk

    As for exercise, I typically do it after DD goes to bed at night.  Well, except for the year I was a gym member and would go to a step class once or twice a week after work - I knew I had to FORCE myself to exercise and have it on my schedule or I wouldn't do it.

    I know it is hard, but if you are this down on yourself, you need to find ways to be better with diet and exercise in ways that work for YOU.

  • Get a doctor to prescribe you Adderall or Vyvanse (both are for ADHD/ADD).... it does the same thing.

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