OK...so I've been stalking the boards for a little bit and figured I should introduce myself. Just got married in September...my DH & I are both 38 and TTC #1 for both of us. I know this is gonna be a long road but just reading some of the success stories on here have given me hope. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I have a CBEFM and use OPK's...I think I am now addicted to POAS
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Re: another newbie
I'm new as well--introduced myself over on the TTTC board. I too am your age and started out with a CBEFM. My advice is to keep an eye on your O day--if it's fairly early in your cycle, like before day 10 (or earlier), get yourself to an RE. As my RE said, it could be "noise," but it could also be a sign of decreased ovarian reserve. This is what happened to me, and I don't see the early O symptom come up very often in these boards so I thought I'd mention it. Hopefully you're totally fine and you'll be PG in no time!
Good luck to you! There are plenty of women who got pregnant within 6 months on these boards. I hope your journey is short!
I'm new here, too. DH and I just decided to start TTC over Thanksgiving weekend.
Good luck to you and your DH!
Welcome, it's very supportive here.
Good luck to you.
Tyler Anthony arrived on 9.21.09
The Chronicles of Justin and Tyler