for me to give to her and her hubs. Of course, I'll get a bunch of frivolous but useful stuff, but I want to help her out with some good essentials. She'll be finding out their genders in the coming weeks (she's 13 wks. preg.).
For your SIL: Gift cards for restaurants or Dream Dinners. We never had time to make food and loved when people brought us meals.
For the babies: Larger sized clothes. Everyone gived NB sizes as gifts but they grow so quick! A few people bought us sleepers in 6 mos and 9 mos sizes and that was super helpful
Well, I could have used a paper bag to breathe in when they told me about the twins
There are lots of things- the EZ 2 Nurse pillow, boppies, various sizes of diapers, GCs to fast food places (so they can get food quick bc they probably won't be cooking for a long time)...
Re: SIL is expecting twins. Pls suggest a good, useful gift
For your SIL: Gift cards for restaurants or Dream Dinners. We never had time to make food and loved when people brought us meals.
For the babies: Larger sized clothes. Everyone gived NB sizes as gifts but they grow so quick! A few people bought us sleepers in 6 mos and 9 mos sizes and that was super helpful
Well, I could have used a paper bag to breathe in when they told me about the twins
There are lots of things- the EZ 2 Nurse pillow, boppies, various sizes of diapers, GCs to fast food places (so they can get food quick bc they probably won't be cooking for a long time)...
There are a couple good books about twin pregnancies and life:
When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets or Quads by Dr. Luke
Twinspiration by Cheryl Luge
Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!
I really believe that there is no gift that says "congrats on your twins" quite like diapers.