
Wow--Rose Petal Cottage for $30!!

Sorry if this has already been mentioned...



Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015

Re: Wow--Rose Petal Cottage for $30!!

  • Ugh!  I already got the girls Little People sets because I decided against Rose Petal Cottage.  Now I have to rethink the whole thing except DD#1 has already asked Santa (and everyone else) for a castle for Christmas (we got her the Little People Castle and put the idea in her head).  Ugh.  Maybe next year...
  • Thanks so much!  I decided to buy now and hold off on giving to DD until her second bday in a few months.
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  • That is a great deal.  We have no room for it, but I am tempted to buy it for a gift.
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