Do you have DC make a Christmas list? If so is the list strictly for Santa or do you have your child "ask Santa" for just a few items and make a list of things they want in general? I want him to believe in magic and all that jazz but i also don't want "Santa" to get all the credit and appreciation for all the gifts for DS. What do you do or plan on doing?
Re: Christmas traditions? Older kids...
Santa sneaks into their room at night and puts up a miniature tree fully decorated. Under it one small gift.
Santa won't be big in our house but he will be a part of our Christmas.
Even though DD is younger, DH and I just had this conversation. I also don't want Santa to get all the credit and I found out about Santa very young, so he was never terribly important to me. But DH feels very strongly that Christmas needs to be the time of year that is special and toys just magically appear and dreams really do come true, etc. We are not at all religious. Because he feels so strongly, we'll be having all her toys from us come from Santa. He swears he never thought it was odd that his parents never bought him Christmas gifts.
However, I really don't believe in kids writing Christmas lists. I think it creates an expectation that they'll receive everything on their lists. And kdis are so fickle that I don't think what they write down is always what they really want. Maybe when they're teenagers, but I don't like the idea of lists.
The "big" gift (what they want the most) will be from Santa and their stockings. The rest will be from us. That's how Santa did it for me growing up and we've agreed that that's what we'll do for our kids.
DH's Santa brought them everything and at one point one of the kids questioned his parents why they didn't buy them Christmas presents. They said that they paid Santa.....
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