
Has your DC gone through a picky stage? Help..

My DD is almost 21 months. She has always been a great eater. Tries anything, loves healthy good food, any veggie etc... All of a sudden she hardly eats. Every meal is turning into a struggle. I have tried new foods to change things up thinking maybe she was becoming bored even though I have always given her all kinds of different things. But nothing is working.

So I am wondering is this a stage she'll outgrow? Anyone else go through this?

Re: Has your DC gone through a picky stage? Help..

  • Today he's eaten 1/3 of a piece of french toast, some almonds, and an apply.

    He used to eat anything. It's a toddler thing.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • DS used to eat everything and anything until he turned 18 months.  Now I can barely get him to eat anything at all.  He'd live on milk if I let him!
    Liam is 5!
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