but realistically, yes - as long as i wasn't far away and could be home within a few minutes if needed. ?and if it's only an occasional thing, not daily.
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Yes. My sister was 4.5 yrs older than me and we were latch-key kids every day. I think my mom dropped the babysitter when I was in 3rd grade? We had a neighbor that was home almost 24/7, so in an emergency we could go to her.
I think it depends on the kids, but generally I would say no.
Although my mom left my brother and I home alone after school every day
from the time I was 12 on (he was 1.5 years younger than me). But
it wasn't good for us and I don't think she should have done it.
DS - June 2006
DD1 - November 2007
DD2 - August 2010
It depends on where you live. Where I grew up, yes. It was a small town and everyone knew everyone and you could walk to the grandparents. I think I sill would in the town that we live in now.
Yes. My sister was 4.5 yrs older than me and we were latch-key kids every day. I think my mom dropped the babysitter when I was in 3rd grade? We had a neighbor that was home almost 24/7, so in an emergency we could go to her.
Same here, my mom started leaving us even younger than that but she had no choice and we were pretty mature.
Yea, as Catholics, we had the Jesus scared into us at a very early age to behave, lol. My mom didn't have a choice and it worked out. We were responsible and pretty much knew if we did anything to eff up the house, our ass was grass.
We fought a lot, but looking back I actually really liked having alone time before my parents got home.
I would. I was allowed to be home alone and watching my sister at 8 years old. I would say that you need to check the local laws. I know that ny (didn't have a specific age) when I learned that stuff. you have to be careful, b/c if one of your neighbors rats you out......you know.
I was a freshman in high school at 13, and I was definitely babysitting by then, so that leads me to lean towards yes... but it would totally depend on the kids and their interactions and maturity levels.
I agree with PP's. It really depends on the kid. I know times are different but I was babysitting twin 3 year olds and a 6 month old when I was 11. I had become a Mother's helper (the mom was in a really bad accident and almost died) and as she got better I was able to watch the kids on my own. By the time I was 12 I was babysitting late night. On a side note though I was only a block or so away from my parents house and they were always home when I was babysitting so if in an emergency they would have been there within minutes.
I don't really see anything wrong with this, particularly if it is daytime hours.
X-haha! I fractured my finger in 7th grade. I called my mom and was like 'mom, my finger is all swollen.' Mind you I dislocated it at softball practice and the coach put it back in place and gave me ice, but all she knew was that I 'hurt' it. She diagnoses me over the phone "you are fine. go to tap practice." Carpool takes me to practice and I flail around w/ my fractured finger for an hour.
My dad gets home and was like, yea, let's take you to the hospital. Mom felt pretty bad about that one. I think she felt pretty guilty for years.
Yes I would. I'm also taking into consideration that both sets of grandparents live within 5 minutes and DH works just as close. I was babysitting other people's kids when I was 12 so, hoping that my kids will be on the mature side, I wouldn't have a problem with it.
LOL X - I broke my wrist at my aunt's and she told me to keep moving it, so it would feel better. I b!tched and moaned all night about it, so my mom took me to the doctor in the morning and when they said it was broken I screamed "I told you so!". I was such a drama queen they thought I was overreacting. She still feels awful about it.
Yes. I leave my 19 month old alone with our 13 year old neighbor to babysit, so why not a 10 year old? My brother and I started staying alone after school and at night at around 11 or 12, so I think 14 and 10 is totally fine.
Our two babysitters are 12 and 13 yo. I would definitely be okay with the 13 yo at home alone. Together it would depend on how well the kids got along and if the 10 yo would listen to the older sibling if necessary.
Annalise Marie 05.29.06
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Yes but of course it really depends on the maturity of the 13 y/o.
My best friend used to watch her brother at home all day when she was 13 (he was 9) in the summer. I used to go over there and spend the day with them (I was 13 as well) and my parents never even gave it a second thought. We used to play Atari all day! It was a lot of fun! We made sure the house was SPOTLESS before her mom got home too!
Re: Would you allow this?
my knee-jerk response is, hell no!
but realistically, yes - as long as i wasn't far away and could be home within a few minutes if needed. ?and if it's only an occasional thing, not daily.
Christmas 2011
probably not, but it depends on this kids too.
I wouldnt want to make a habit of it.
My initial reaction is no, but I really think it would depend on the child and where we lived.....
It depends on where you live. Where I grew up, yes. It was a small town and everyone knew everyone and you could walk to the grandparents. I think I sill would in the town that we live in now.
In the city, no-way.
Same here, my mom started leaving us even younger than that but she had no choice and we were pretty mature.
I would check laws in your state.
The 13 year old might be OK, but not the 10 year old. I think around here the age is 12.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Yea, as Catholics, we had the Jesus scared into us at a very early age to behave, lol. My mom didn't have a choice and it worked out. We were responsible and pretty much knew if we did anything to eff up the house, our ass was grass.
We fought a lot, but looking back I actually really liked having alone time before my parents got home.
Christmas 2011
I agree with PP's. It really depends on the kid. I know times are different but I was babysitting twin 3 year olds and a 6 month old when I was 11. I had become a Mother's helper (the mom was in a really bad accident and almost died) and as she got better I was able to watch the kids on my own. By the time I was 12 I was babysitting late night. On a side note though I was only a block or so away from my parents house and they were always home when I was babysitting so if in an emergency they would have been there within minutes.
I don't really see anything wrong with this, particularly if it is daytime hours.
OMG that must of hurt so bad and this is one of the reasons I would never do this with young kids
X-haha! I fractured my finger in 7th grade. I called my mom and was like 'mom, my finger is all swollen.' Mind you I dislocated it at softball practice and the coach put it back in place and gave me ice, but all she knew was that I 'hurt' it. She diagnoses me over the phone "you are fine. go to tap practice." Carpool takes me to practice and I flail around w/ my fractured finger for an hour.
My dad gets home and was like, yea, let's take you to the hospital. Mom felt pretty bad about that one. I think she felt pretty guilty for years.
Christmas 2011
Liam is 5!
13 is old enough to babysit, so unless the 13 year-old is incredibly immature, then yes.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Yes but of course it really depends on the maturity of the 13 y/o.
My best friend used to watch her brother at home all day when she was 13 (he was 9) in the summer. I used to go over there and spend the day with them (I was 13 as well) and my parents never even gave it a second thought. We used to play Atari all day! It was a lot of fun! We made sure the house was SPOTLESS before her mom got home too!