
ques about delivering twins

how did you deliver? vaginal or cs?  If vaginal were both head down at delivery? what did your doc think about delivering vaginally?

Thanks my friend is having twins and the doc is already telling her she will most likely have a c=section.  She is only 9 wks right now.  She doesn't want one and is open to a breech delivery if one isn;t turned.  Any thoughts on this or places she can go to get more info?

Re: ques about delivering twins

  • Vaginally. Boys were always head down. my doctor was all for twin vaginal deliviers.
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  • Vaginally - both were head down.  If A was head down and B was breech, my doctor was still willing to do vaginal.  Maybe she should see a peri, who might be more well-versed in twin deliveries.  Some OBs automatically go for C-sections with twins b/c they aren't experienced enough for two.
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  • I delivered my girls vaginally. They were both head down. At my 32 week appt. my docs started talking about delivery and they asked me what I wanted and I told them I wanted to try a vaginal delivery if possible. They said as long as Baby A was head down and Baby B was not a lot larger than A. Once A makes her way through the birth canal that determines the size of your birth canal, so if A determines the birth canal size and B is a lot bigger, B is not going to fit. Luckily for me Baby B was only 1 oz. larger than Baby B and they were exactly the same in length. Also my docs told me that they would to a breech extraction on Baby B if A was head down, just as long as B did not turn sideways (transverse), then I would have to have a C-section to get B out.

    I told my docs that I was prepared for whatever was the best delivery for my babies and me no matter what, but if at all possible I wanted to try for a vaginal. My DH and I discussed it and if both babies stayed head down we would try for a vaginal, if B turned we would not risk doing a vaginal for one and a c-section for the second (I didn't want to recover from both types of delivery), so we would just do a c-section instead. Lucky for me they both stayed head down.

    I guess I was lucky because my docs were open to doing a vaginal for twins, they have also done vaginal deliveries on triplets in the right circumstances. I do know that other twin moms I have talked to told me their docs wouldn't even discuss a vaginal birth that they felt it was better to deliver all multiples by c-section. If she really wants a vaginal and her docs are against it she may need to find a new OB.

    I will tell you that I was required to have an epidural and deliver in an OR room just in case something went wrong, they could increase the epi. and do an immediate c-section. I didn't have to have the full dose of epi. if I didn't want to during my labor, they just needed the line in place in case of trouble, this was a fine compromise for me. I know some are against all medical intervention and want an all natural birth so to speak, but I listened to my docs on this one because I felt they knew what needed to be done to deliver my babies safely, for the babies and for me.

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  • I had a csection.  About half of twin deliveries are csection and half vaginal.

    I had a csection because Madeline was breech.  If she would have turned I would have had a vaginal delivery.

  • Whats a Peri doctor?  I am assuming that is short for something.
  • I had a vaginal delivery.  My doc wanted to do everything in his power to make sure I delivered vaginally he felt it was better.

    Only baby A was head down, they had to turn baby B.  As long as baby who is to come out first is head down they can try and turn the second one. Or if the doc is comfortable do a breech delivery.  It's early if she isn't comfy with this doc and his plan find a new doc.

  • peri- is a perinatologist, also sometimes referred to as a MFM or maternal fetal medicine specialist.  Basically OBs that are specially trained to deal with high risk pregnancies including multiples.
  • My OB wouldn't do a breech delivery, which was fine with me- the section was great. It's a 50/50 shot. My baby B was breech all the way through until my 35w6d appt- then she went vertex. But we kept the section appt, and sure enough the moring of, she was breech again. Flippin flipper...
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  • Emergency c section because both were breech!
  • I delivered vaginally. ?Personally, I would not be comfortable w/a Dr. who decided how I was going to deliver at 9 weeks pg! ?Tell your friend to look into a perinatologist. ?My first baby was head-down, but the 2nd was transverse (sideways) & could've turned either head-down or breech once the first one was out. ?My perinatologist was willing to do a breech extraction of the 2nd baby if she did not turn head-down, but luckily she did.
  • Ditto amygdala.  My guess is that her doctor isn't particularly experienced with multiples.  I'd find another doctor or at least a peri.

    I had a vaginal delivery.  Both girls were head down.  My doctor (who was a peri) was very pro vaginal delivery and encouraged me to deliver vaginally, as long as baby A was head down.

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  • I delivered c-section.  My doctor was all for vaginal deliveries, but one of my twins was breech and the doctor who would probably be the one delivering me did not feel comfortable with breech deliveries, so a c-section it was.
  • Vaginally. A was head down and B was transverse, B moved to head down after A was delivered. My peri preferred vaginal if safe.  If B moved transverse he would have attempted a breech delivery if I was comfortable with it, but like I said, he moved head down so that was not a problem.


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