I really doubt they'll ask if you've ever been fired before. That's not something I've ever asked anyone.
As I mentioned, just accentuate the positives from your last position, ie, you learned a lot, got more focused on your desired career path. If they do end up asking you if you were fired (which, again, I doubt) then you can just say you and your former employer came to a mutual agreement that the position just wasn't right for you.
Yes, you don't have to say you were fired because if your previous employer is called by a potential employer, they can usually only say that you resigned or were laid off. It might be different in every state but it's due to legal issues. Also, most companies want you to be able to find another job.
I doubt they would ask you straight out if you were fired. They might ask your reason for leaving and you can simply state that it ultimately wasn't a good fit. Just make sure you try and steer away from any issues with your supervisor and spin it that although the industry was not for me-I learned X,Y, and Z which was a positive experience.
I wouldn't spin it as a budget layoff if that wasn't really the case.
Good luck to you!! They most likely will gloss right over that issue!
Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
I've had companies ask me if I was ever fired. I have been but I would never admit to it. I just say I was laid off due to two companies merging and having too many employees and I was one of the last to be hired. I also mention there were 3 others let-go for the same reason. Sometimes they will ask if you received umemployment (guess it is their way to see if you were actually fired for wrongdoing or whatever). I did get unemployment so I told them "yes". Even if you didn't, they aren't going to call the State!
Like the pp said an ex-employer is not supposed to say why or how you left your job but they do. I've heard them tell (I just happen to be in the other room when an old employers got a call). But...so what. If they are going to hire you they will.
Re: HR people - Recruiters - HELP.
Thanks...I just saw that.
So I don't have to say I was fired? If they ask if I've ever been fired from a position before...uhh....
I know my company has had problems meeting budget, should I use that as a possible explaination...turning it more toward a lay off?
I really doubt they'll ask if you've ever been fired before. That's not something I've ever asked anyone.
As I mentioned, just accentuate the positives from your last position, ie, you learned a lot, got more focused on your desired career path. If they do end up asking you if you were fired (which, again, I doubt) then you can just say you and your former employer came to a mutual agreement that the position just wasn't right for you.
Stay positive, you will be fine!
I doubt they would ask you straight out if you were fired. They might ask your reason for leaving and you can simply state that it ultimately wasn't a good fit. Just make sure you try and steer away from any issues with your supervisor and spin it that although the industry was not for me-I learned X,Y, and Z which was a positive experience.
I wouldn't spin it as a budget layoff if that wasn't really the case.
Good luck to you!! They most likely will gloss right over that issue!
I've had companies ask me if I was ever fired. I have been but I would never admit to it. I just say I was laid off due to two companies merging and having too many employees and I was one of the last to be hired. I also mention there were 3 others let-go for the same reason. Sometimes they will ask if you received umemployment (guess it is their way to see if you were actually fired for wrongdoing or whatever). I did get unemployment so I told them "yes". Even if you didn't, they aren't going to call the State!
Like the pp said an ex-employer is not supposed to say why or how you left your job but they do. I've heard them tell (I just happen to be in the other room when an old employers got a call). But...so what. If they are going to hire you they will.