DS has two speeds-- asleep or crying. He loves to eat, and he's happy when the bottle is in his mouth, but the rest of the time he is either fussing or sleeping. Every once in a while he seems peaceful (I mean a few minutes here and there) but generally it's misery. He's better if I am carrying him around, but I can't do that and tend to DD. Has anyone experienced this? Is it colic? (Btw, he also does seem to have a lot of gas/digestive stress, but no spitting up.)
Re: COLIC?? How do I know?
Is my son your son???
Seriously, you just described one of my twins to a tee... it's exhausting, isn't it? My son also seems to have some gassiness as well.
I have no advice for you, but I am there with you!?
Yep! Sounds like colic. Nothing you can really do buy hold your baby and let them scream. Believe me I tried everything, and my DS was miserable for about 4 months till he grew out of it. Try Mylicon gas drops, press their tummy against yours as you bounce, put pressure on their tummy as you hold them (like holding him face down against your arm) try vibrating chairs, car rides work well to get them to sleep, I wore a sling 24/7 my DS would not let me set him down. Good Luck!