So I really don't have anyone to talk to about this. So you ladies are it, sorry. So its been a rough two days. So yesterday early moring I was up with one of the babies while Dh was asleep. I went to check my email before getting ready to go to work, when it openned up Dh's email. I'm not a snopp but I found over 75 emails back and forth between some other women.
I got ready for work and left him a message we would talk when I came home. Well I yelled and screamed and cried the whole way to work. I some how made it through the day. It was horrible last night. He swears nothing ever happened, that it was just emails. He feels so bad, but I feel so hurt and broken hearted. We are sleeping in different rooms. I have no idea what to do. I just feel so lost.
Re: having marrige issues...
i'm sorry. unfortunately there is isn't anything in the world we can say to make it better. i will be praying for you and your marriage. your babies are so young! try to keep it together for your sake and theirs.
good luck!
Woman or WOMEN? And, did you copy the emails?
Definately counseling for the both of you, right away.
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
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I'm so sorry. How awful for you - I've been there. Last Christmas - the twins were 6 months old. He was feeling stress as I was with the babies sleeping, feeding, etc... he was also out of work for about 2 months.
He announced he wanted out - that I deserved better, that he couldn't deliver, that he would help me out any way he could etc...
I read an article the other day about "father post partum" depression - how it happened to one guy who's wife had just had triplets. I don't know if you guys believe in this sort of thing, but it sounded plausible to me. Especially if the husband is helping out with feedings, changes, etc... they must be just as exhausted or almost as us mother of multiples. Having multiples is such a HUGE undertaking. In any case - I would recommend counseling - he may be overwhelmed. Good Luck!!!!!
I wish I could say that "I can't imagine" what you are going through but unfortunately I can. The babies were 2 months old.
The same thing happened to us. I pulled up a browser page he had left up and an email between him and a guy friend happened to be there. It was a long chain talking about a co-worker of mine (that DH also worked with) and it was quite obvious what was going on.
I was SO betrayed. It started while I was pregnant and continued until I discovered it. He swears it never became physical but they had shared an inappropriate relationship, whatever that means. I treated it as if something did happen because quite frankly I didn't believe him.
I couldn't imagine going back to work and seeing this woman whose office is next to mine. She pretended to be my friend and he pretended to be the perfect spouse/father. I got to be the stupid idiot. My gut reaction was to quit my job but I decided that I wasn't going to let those two reck my career I had worked so hard for.
So we immediately went into counseling and the therapist called DH a "trophy hunter" who needed individual counseling (he got it). We still struggle through and he realizes that now I have trust issues. Every day gets better but so far for me it hasn't been the same.
Don't give up on him though. Listen to what he has to say and what his reasons are. DO NOT LET HIM BLAME ANY PORTION OF IT ON YOU. It isn't your fault. Guys are dumb and just don't think.
I never moved into our guest room. I made him lay there and hold me when I cried. He created this mess and he needs to witness the trainwreck.
In a way I am glad that it happened when the babies were too young to remember. Now DH and I are have new tools to make our marriage work that we wouldn't have had if we hadn't gone to counseling.
I know it hurts and I know exactly how you feel (that burning feeling at the base of your ears, throat and chest) and I know that you can't imagine the shine ever coming back. Give it time and find the time and $$ to go to a therapist. You guys can't do this on your own.
If you want some support or just want to chat feel free to email me at kylastarksatyahoodotcom.
i'm so sorry. that is horrible.
hopefully he was just doing it to blow off some stress from having the babies, etc... .and now that he realizes how wrong it is it will stop. I pray you guys can work this out. That is devistating.
I hope you can find a solution.
Sh!t Amber.. I am so sorry. I hope you guys can work it out but I'd be out of my mind upset too. Please message me if you ever need to vent. My dh and I are at each other's throats right now but I am attributing it to the stress with the babies. ugh.. nothing is easy hey?
Hang in there!
I am sooo sorry. I was always hoping that this didn't happen to someone else. I was hospitalized at 32 weeks and at 34 DH left his cell in my room when he went to work. It rang so I looked at it. It was a text from another woman. So I went thru all of his texts and there were tons. So I went in his email. There were some that still make me sick. After I called him at work to cuss him out he came back immediately. Maybe his thought process is your H's. He said he wasn't really thinking that talking to someone and sending pictures and stuff was cheating and he also thought it was a "safe" way to get his rocks off or whatever because she lived 1500 miles away and would never see her. I know this doesn't make you feel better, but at least you know someone has gone thru this crappy situation too. If you want to chat feel free to hit me up
Oh I am so sorry you are going thru this... I think many of us know how stressful multiples can be on a marriage....
I am totally praying for you
I didnt mean to say you are going thru what we all go thru... I know we all have stuff... and I am so very sorry you are going thru this...please let us know if you need anything