
RP: FP Little People

DD has never had Little People & I know she'd love them. This will be the last gift I'm buying her - what do you recommend? I like the A-Z Zoo, and also the Learn About Town looks cute. I also like the look of the My First Dollhouse, although that's not Little People.

What Little People set do you recommend?

Re: RP: FP Little People

  • first - what a great siggy pic!

    second - we got the Learn About's for xmas and i hope she likes it!

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • We have the little people dollhouse, and it is cute, but not my favorite. We are giving her the A-Z zoo for christmas bacause I think she will like it she loves animals.
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  • We bought DD#1 the A-ZZoo when the baby was born, and she LOVES it. Plays with it everyday and even knows some of her letters now and I think its b/c of that zoo. We bought her the farm and town for Christmas, and she is getting the dollhouse for her birthday from my mom.
    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • DD LOVES the A-Z zoo. We bought it for her a few months ago. She is bonkers about animals anyway though. Everytime we read a book with animals in it she has to go and get the animal figures we talk about. She knows what all 26 animals are. Pretty cool!
  • DD loves the zoo and plays with it everyday.  I got it last year for Christmas at Target around the second week of December and it was $20.  I'd wait a week and see if they put it on sale and then get that one.
  • Thanks ladies, I think she'll like the Zoo too.
  • We got DD the Learn About Town.  It's really cute and DD likes it.
  • My kids have a lot of little people sets and love them.  It is the one toy that they always go back to and never get bored with. 

    We have the castle, the dollhouse, and the barn are my kids favorites. 

    We have the airplane, which they never play with and the garage that they play with but not as much as the others.  I would say whatever you get make sure it has a lot to do.  They new town that they have looks good and like it has a lot of stuff. 

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