
Toddlers and TV

How much TV does your toddler watch...



Re: Toddlers and TV

  • Some days she barely watches any but on days when this m/s is hitting me hard...TV is my lifesaver. 
  • DS watches TV in the morning and after we get home.  But he doesn't watch any while at daycare, so I am okay with it. 
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  • Ditto Katie...L watches Little Einsteins in the morning while I finish getting ready.  Then he'll watch another episode when we get home so I can cook dinner.  Even on nights where all I have to do is pop a casserole in the oven, I'll sit and watch it with him.  It's a good way for him to wind down after a busy day at daycare.  And to think I was that person who said that I would never let my kid watch TV!
    Liam is 5!
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  • In our house, no TV until 3 or 4 years old.

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