
Strange Pain - ?

I had thought my underwire bra had been irritating the area where your rib cage ends under your breast on your right side.  I would take my bra off and the burning would go away eventually.  Last night, I had the worst sleep and when I would lay on my right side, the spot would burn - however I was not wearing a bra.  When I was getting up this morning it felt like something was ripping in that spot and the pain was intense. Now I am overthinking and this is the side where my little girl is and she was kicking the crap out of me last night everytime I went to lay on my right side, as if she was not comfortable.

I just called my OB's office and spoke with the OB nurse who thinks it is a normal pain and is just where I am at in pregnancy but wants me to come in this afternoon for a check-up.

Has this happened to anyone else?

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Aubrey & Anthony

Re: Strange Pain - ?

  • I didn't/don't have that, but it sounds exactly like what a friend of mine had.  Sorry to say, she had it for most of the 2nd half of her pregnancy, but it wasn't anything related to any kind of problem with her or with the baby.  It went away the minute she delivered.  Hope yours goes away sooner!
  • i don't have pain but I keep getting pins & needles under my left boob. It is the weirdest sensation becuase it is just that one someone has a body part on a nerve and it is not getting blood to it.
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