I need objective opinions, please. I'm too far in this to really be able to see both sides clearly & I feel like I'm just floating, waiting for.... I don't know what. I know nobody here can tell me what to do, but I need opinions.
Am I just being whiney? Do I need to just suck it up and deal?
I'm late to work almost daily. Mornings are a huge hectic rush. DH leaves for work over an hour before I do so he's not there to help. He does make lunches & tries to brush off my car if needed, but I'm alone w/the kids. Bfing one, making sure DD is eating, getting them both changed/clothed/bags ready (I do some the night before but still have to put the food in, mess with bmilk/bottles, etc). So now that it's snowing my car is freezing shut all the time. The roads suck. So I have to get up even earlier. Ok. Can do.
Nights are a rush to get them from daycare, home, dinner, baths, bed. DH has Sam duty while I take care of B by default because I'm bfing. DH also cooks most dinners because again, bfing.
I'm cranky. DD asks if I'm mad. I'm so tired because DS doesn't sleep... I'm not functioning at work anymore. I'm late almost every day. I'm getting in trouble for not doing things (yep, it's catching up with me). My car is freezing shut, the roads suck, so they're at daycare longer. I work 40hrs a week and with gas/daycare I'm bringing home less than 100$ a week. My house is a pigsty because we don't have time to clean. DD does not get enough sleep and is cranky a lot. DS doesn't sleep well at daycare b/c there's too much going on. DD needs to be potty trained and, well, that's not going to happen unless someone is home with her to do it.
If I quit my job, health insurance is through DH for everyone, that's not an issue whatsoever. We can use more of our cloth diapers for DS. I'd save on gas. I can drop car ins. to plpd on my car. We'd eat better. DD and DS and I would all get more sleep. DH wouldn't have to rush home & fix dinner after working 10 hour days. The house would be clean. We'd basically break even. If I sell any sewing crap or get a p-t job we'd be ahead. We'd qualify for WIC among other things though I really don't WANT to do that, but if it came down to it down the road it'd be there.
Am I hanging on stupidly??? gah.
Re: Serious WWYD. I can't do this anymore. LONG
Honestly, if I were in that situation --- and were in it for the length of time that you have been --- I don't know how I would convince myself to go to work everyday.
The reality is that it would take some pride swallowing to make the leap and quit.
On the flip side, you don't know if you don't try. And it sounds as though you could get another job making what you currently make if you find the situation doesn't work.
I think my response to this scenario was different last time but I'm having a "eff the world" kind of day so I say quit. Stay home. BE HAPPY!
Be aware though, a LOT of your vents are VERY VERY common. Actually, I'm guessing every home with two working parents feels the same way you do. We just suck it up and deal. But that doesn't mean you have to!
For $100/week, I would not be able to deal with that much stress. I work FT and there are times I feel like I am going to lose my mind and I have only one DS - I can't imagine being able to pull it off with two. And now that cold and flu season has started and we are all sick, it is even more exhausting.
Only you know what the right answer is for your family, but I think I would seriously consider quitting or working PT (if you can find PT care for your infant - that is tough).
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
It seems like you're answering your own question. If I were in your position, I'd definitely quit my job and SAH. That is basically what I did but it was before DD was even born. I would have brought home about $300/month after daycare, travel expense, etc so working was just not worth it to me. We altered our lifestyles a bit and haven't looked back since. Life is so simple and pretty stress free for us.
Have you discussed this with your DH? How does he feel?
What kind of job would you be leaving? Is it a job you love?
I should add that you might not be looking at all the downsides of being home with the kids all day, but, again, for $100 a week I would totally not be doing what you're doing. No. Way. In. Hell.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
For $100 a week? Definitely not worth the stress. Definitely not.
From reading your other posts, I think it's a no-brainer, but I also think it's a scary step to take.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
$100 a week? Quit. Honestly, you'd do better working PT when your H is home.
If I were in your boat, I'd be out the door.
I have to agree with the other posters, $100/week with that stress is not worth it.
Good luck, it is tough to make the big decisions!
Somethings gotta give, and I'd say it's the job. As pp's have said, sit down w/ your DH and go over everything. One of the biggiest worries is benefits, but if your DH has them that solves that one. Think of the $$ you'll save on gas, wear & tear on your car...
If all you're bringing home is $100 per week why put yourself through the daily stress? Being a SAHM isn't always easy either, but maybe you should give it a try and see how that works for the family.
You could always get a PT job on the weekends or something....
if i were in your situation, i'd quit and become a sahm w/ a pt job if needed. bringing home $100 a week just doesn't seem worth it. you could pick up that difference doing something pt or from home.
i can't remember what you do, but i'm thinking something in healthcare. could you transcribe from home or something related?
how close is sam to being in pre-school? would you still have that fee even if you stayed home?
well, i am going to give a different point of view. First - I have been there. Almost exact same situation, except I netted more than $100 a week so I had no choice in front me. So - I never considered quitting....but other than that - same thing, one toddler, one BF infant, a 50 hour week + job, a DH with a big job also, etc etc.
anyway - are you really only making $100/week net? Are you contributing to a 401K or anything like that out of your check? you need to consider that. Also - your baby is going to grow and get easier.
and - and people came flame away - but I detest the thought of my tax dollars going to pay for WIC for someone who could make another $400/month, but chose to take the risk b/c they were over tired. I realize you are not applying for WIC and it is a 'just in case' back up plan, bu even so - if you are that close to the line to even think of WIC, I say stay at your job and just remember things will get easier once baby gets a little older. I don't mean to be unsympathtic, but I have been there - have managed through it and came out OK on the other end.
good luck
Seriously, I'd already be out the door. You've already made yourself a nice pros & cons list. Although the grass is always greener on the other side....I think in this case, you at least need to see what that side is like. You need a break, your kids need a break...go be with them!
Mom to Lily Gayle 4.25.06 Charlotte Kathleen 3.27.09 Samuel Thomas ~8.4.12~
Have you considered an in-home nanny? Not live-in, but someone who would come to your house every day instead of you taking the kids to daycare. For 2 kids, the cost might compare to your current daycare cost anyway.
Imagine how much free time you'd have if you didn't have to dress & pack up the kids each morning and pick them up each evening. Some nannies do light housework as well. If you have dinner prepped, I'm sure she'd stick it in the oven and turn it on for you too.
I don't know whether your job is a 'job' or a 'career', but if you want to keep it it's something to think about.
Since you are bringing home less then 100 a week I would quit. You can get a PT job waitressing a couple nights a week and bring home more than that, or do something else on the side that you can do from home. You'd most likely be ahead too if you drop in a tax bracket, and saving money on daycare and gas. Once you get your DD potty trained you'd be saving on diapers too. If it were me I would quit, and find something part time to make up the difference, I wouldn't consider using WIC to make up the difference though, that wouldn't be an option.
Agree with the others that it just isn't worth it. Before you know it, one or all of you will get so worn down that you'll get seriously ill and then you'll be even worse off. Even though there are a lot of us out there with two f/t working parents, it certainly seems like your schedules/financial situation are a lot rougher than most. Good luck and take care of yourselves!!!