OH WOW! ?wesley and timmie are going to have a sister. ?girls are soooooo much fun. ?the clothes and the pony tails are killer. ?hhhmmm...what will her name be? ?will you keep the "z"? ?congrats. ??
oh my goodness... you will be second guessing yourself the rest of the pregnancy... yeah you beter start thinking of a girls name... might i recommend Sara, it is a wonderful name
oh my gosh, holly! i had this feeling, i don't know, for some reason i was thinking that zachary was going to turn out to be a girl. ack! well, as long as she's/he's healthy. oh my gosh, better to find out now than at birth!
Oh my goodness. What a shock. Why were you having another u/s? Just to check on things. This is one of my biggest dears. We just had the one scan at 20 weeks. At first there was a cord in the way so we had to come back. I'm always wondering if we still just saw the cord (this happened to my neighbor, they found out in the delivery room. Another friend thought she was having a girl all the way until a month before, they were wrong too). The good news is my bedding wouldn't be too bad if it was a girl anyway. I hope you get a chance to clear it up soon. GL
Wow! It's killing me to wait until 20w (they refuse to tell us sooner) but maybe it's for the best. Talk about a surprise, but how perfect to have boys and a girl. Hope it stays girl now - 60% doesn't sound too confident either way. What a shock!
60 isn't much accuracy -- you already had a 50% chance it was a girl! Don't get too set on it -- the tech told me I was having twin girls, and I just found out yesterday that I'm DEFINITELY expecting a boy and a girl!
Re: back from doc..Zachary might not be a boy :(
holy crap!
didn't you say you dreamt he was a girl???
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
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