So I was bummed that I couldn't go xmas shopping (or even go home for the holidays) because we're quarantined this winter. Well I've started doing our xmas shopping online and I LOVE IT!
I did some ordering this weekend as well and it is so nice knowing it is all being delivered right to the house and I dont have to fight people in the stores. I hate holiday crowds! I just dont have the energy to go out and shop now and when I get too active my contractions start up, so I have been sitting my happy bottom on the couch with the laptop and order at home in my pjs.
it is the only way i shop now "hangs head in shame"...I know i need to support my local shops but it is just to hard with the babes and the stroller and the crowds and all the germs!!!
I actually did most of my shopping either online or months ago. I hate trying to find parking at our local mall, so I would just buy things on sale as I saw them in September and October. Now we have the time to enjoy other things during the holidays!
I still have quite a bit to do, but I started shopping a couple of months ago. Today I got some good deals online, it was fun I did some wrapping this weekend, I am so happy to have some of it taken care of already.
I love online shopping! It sure beats getting the boys out and getting held up by all the attention. We can no longer make a quick trip somewhere because people always stop and comment on "the twins." Online shopping is so much better!!!
I do almost all my shopping online. It seems plenty of sites offer free shipping if you spend a certain amount, or you can find coupon codes online. And you don't have to leave the house. How can you beat that, when your presents come right to your door?? :-)
Re: Online xmas shopping
"... and God Bless