
Help me: 3 months of diaper rash

UGH.  I am losing my mind.  Kate has had a diaper rash since September 16th.  It comes and goes, but is always there for the most part.  Things I've tried that didn't work:
baking soda in her bath

All the creams (Triple Paste, Butt Paste, A&D, Burts Bees, Aquaphor)

A prescription from my pedi involving Nyastin powder, A&D and something else (this worked the best but still didn't completely kick it)

Lotrimin in case of yeast

Hydrocortisone (made it bleed)
Wierd creams (something called Egyptian Magic, random balms, Maalox)

Letting her be diaper free

Getting rid of wipes and using just water

Changing brands/kinds of diapers (we use cloth, have tried 7th Gen and Pampers)

It doesn't seem to bother her, but it is bothering me to no end!  There have been no changes in her diet at all to point to, and definitely not anything consistent over the 3 months she's been rocking this rash.  ANything else you've tried that worked?  Thanks!

Re: Help me: 3 months of diaper rash

  • Is she allergic to the diaper? have you tried other brands?

    DS has issues with certain brands of wipes and diapers. We've tried ALL diapers, and the only ones that he doesn't break out with are the Huggies Supreme.

    Also we used the SAME type of huggies his whole life and then a few months ago they started breaking him out... We've now started using a Pampers one with no alcohol in them. and I put lotion on him head TO toe (and butt included) after every bath. Turns out his "rash" was due to his eczema, and the alcohol in the wipes flared it up.

    Good luck!


    **EDIT** Oh, sorry, I just saw where you said you tried other diapers/wipes.....

  • It seems that you've tried everything, but as the PP said, I'd give Huggies a try.  My DD had a terrible allergy to Pampers that no cream would heal.  However, 7th Gen worked for her as well.
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  • You do seem to have tried everything. I know when PAC gets a rash, we do a lot of letting it air dry, and mixing equal parts Neosporin, hydrocortisone and lotrimin twice a day. But his rashes are usually painful and blister. Maybe call your pedi again? Could it be an allergy to something she?s eating?
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • Hi,


    I am mostly a lurker (bad i know) but I had this same problem with my son.  It just wouldn't go away. It turned out in the end he had bad allergies. He was always on breastmilk/ enfamil, then around 10 months this rash developed. After testing he had become allergic to milk, soy, rice, beef and potatoes. Those are the things we currently know about. Within 3 days of changing his formula and diet, the rash is gone. It comes back for a day, if someone gives him something he isn't supposed to eat.



    Katherine Proud Mommy and Foster Mommy
  • I'm curious ... where is the rash?  What does it look like?

    My DDs was around her belly area and spreading so that made it clear that it was the diaper.

  • Oh, that's a good point-- it could be a food allergy...
  • The last time DS had a terrible diaper rash nothing helped.  I finally tried aquapher (or you can use vaseline) and cornstarch baby powder.  It worked so well!  We do it everytime we change his diaper and he hasn't had one since.

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  • The rash is on the cheeks, not really near the crack (sorry if TMI).  It changes in appearance.  Sometimes it is just some reddish spots (about the size of a dime) one or two on each side, and sometimes it is just red all over.  It is not bumpy, does not blister, does not bleed, and does not seem to hurt or bother her at all.  It doesn't look like excema.  It doesn't spread.  It comes and goes, seemingly independent of whatever "treatment" I am currently trying.  Our pedi said some kids are just "rashy" and she'll grow out of it, but it seems so wierd to never, ever have a rash until 16 months, and then get one you can't get rid of.  She's been eating the same diet for the entire time and has not had any history of allergies.

    I'll try some Huggies.  I was wondering if maybe 7th Gen switched their diaper chemicals or something and it was that (she's always been in a mix of cloth and 7th Gen and never had a problem).  THanks, everyone!

  • that sounds like DS's eczema patches... try lathering it with a thick lotion (i use Baby Aveeno for eczema) and within a couple days it's barely there anymore.

    I'm sorry, I really hope something works for you!

  • We had a similar issue and Neosporin worked for us!
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