BubblyToes:Yeah, there is a slight interaction between the two. While taking both there's an increased risk of respiratory depression, or slowing down the breathing rate. This would become significant if you were to be drinking alcohol.
We're okay. My dad is still taking it hard, and it makes me worry about him.
I had to run out to drop DS off at daycare, so I wanted to be sure you saw this.
First, thanks for the info. I really don't drink, so I guess it might be okay to take both around my period? I'm thinking the benefits might outweigh the risks.
I'm sorry your dad is so upset about your cousin. It's hard for me, as a complete stranger, to deal with the idea of such a young person dying, so I can only imagine how it must be to try to handle as a family member. I hope he's okay.
Re: Bubbly
Yeah, I think in your case it would be fine.
Thanks for the well-wishes. It really means a lot.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.