Yesterday, my ILs watched the girls so I could clean the house from top to bottom. It took me 6 HOURS. Needless to say, it's been a while! When the house was all neat and tidy, it really wasn't all that neat because of all of the baby crap - the two exersaucers, the swings, the bouncers, the playmats. We are moving the coffee table to the basement and turning the living room into Chuck E. Cheese. We are thinking about converting our computer room (which is very small) into a playroom, but I don't want to lose yet another room to the babies.
We could fix our basement, but that would cost lots of $$$ and DH is adamantly against putting carpeting down there. I can't stand the idea of the girls crawling and (soon) walking on a cold and dirty basement floor. I feel like the walls are closing in around us. What used to be a roomy 1,200 square foot home now feels so small and cluttered. I miss my cute and cozy (and neat) little home. I love my girls and they make the house a lot warmer, just a lot messier.
Thanks for letting me vent!