
Christmas card pictures with 2+ kids

How the hell do you do it?!  My dds are 1 and 4.  Getting the 1 year old to sit/stand still is virtually impossible which means I'm yelling at my 4 yo to chase after her and smile constantly.  It makes for a very stressful situation :-)  so what am I doing wrong?

I've searched recent pics for a non-Christmasy one but we really don't have good, recent ones that would work of them together.

Re: Christmas card pictures with 2+ kids

  • Very quickly.  Smile  Seriously, I bribe my two-year-old with suckers (lollypops) and M&Ms or whatever I need.  I also usually try to have help so someone else can put the one-year-old where I need her and then I can snap fast.  Otherwise, try for more interacting type pics or casual ones and less looking at the camera and smiling.  My girls went nuts over the big Christmas balls I bought for a few shoots and loved playing with them.  They knew (ok, DD#1 knew) they could only play with them when we were taking pictures so we took a lot of pictures...  Even then, I could only get about 10-15 minutes out of them (if I was lucky) with any given set up.
  • yeah mine are 1 and 3... it's rare to get a great one together so we didn't BOTHER!  I'll pimp our holiday card but it's the sample that dh rigged up because we kept changing the photos we wanted to use.  We've ordered the real version so we're not the Yamaguchi family...but I haven't seen the proof yet. has cool templates that let you show more than one kid but in separate ways.





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  • last year I had my oldest lay down and my youngest (2 at the time) sit on her back- it came out super cute.
  • M&M's for the kids and treats for the dog.  Thank God for dig. cameras.  I remember snapping two rolls of film and getting NO good pictures!
  • I'm probably going to do Christmas pjs and TRY to get them sleeping. This is the only way I can think of that I *may* get a good pic. Neither of them are at cooperative picture taking ages.
  • It's practically impossible.


    Mine are 1 and 3 years old. ?We went to the photo place in the mall and it was a nightmare. Neither cooperated. ?But we did get a cute close up of each. I dressed them up again a few days later and took them back. ?They again didn't cooperate but we got one sort of cute one of them together. ?So I'm putting all 3 pics on the cards and I'm glad it's over!?

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