TTC After a Loss

I have no self control. NONE

Ok, I had to pee for like the third time in 2 hours, so I just grabbed a $ tree impulsively.  What is wrong with me??? I just POAS this morning and it was totally BFN, and it was a good test too.

Ugh, now I am just sitting here passing the time since I refuse to look at it until 9.5 minutes are up. 

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Re: I have no self control. NONE

  • It's totally hard to resist, especially when you have several!
  • Maybe those lines will be there this time....It's not over until AF shows...let us know!
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  • I know, right? I still have 2 left and 1 FRER and 1 Answer. I am sure I will go through all of them by Tuesday Tongue Tied
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  • I know the feeling. Its just too darn tempting. I only keep 2 on hand and I try my best to stay away from them since they are so stinkin expensive! I hope you you a BFP!
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  • I have total respect for ladies who actually wait until AF is several days late before testing.  That is some serious willpower.

    Time to go back in the bathroom and see my BFN. oh well. it's fun during those 10 minutes pretending like it could be something good :)

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  • I have 2 $ Tree ones, 1 EPT, 1 EPT digital, and 7 OPK's in the bathroom drawer.  I am going to make myself wait until Friday.  If I get tempted I may tell DH to hid them from me.  I wasted 3 last cycle. 
  • Do the tests from the dollar tree work? I've been buying the first response onces from target 3 for $12. yikes!
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  • BFN. At first I thought I saw something but after analyzing repeatedly, it was likely my mind playing tricks on me.  I give up. This is too stressful!!!
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  • sorry sweetie. go hide your sticks and pull them out in a couple days. A BFP will be here soon :)
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  • Aww....maybe it is still to early.  I tested when AF was due with my first BFP on a Sunday and it was a BFN.  I waited and tested that Friday and got my BFP...that means based on my last AF start date it put me at 5 weeks preg. when I got my BFP.  Don't give up!
  • At least I am not alone.  I just keep comparing everything to "last time." When I tested when AF was due, the lines were clearly there. They weren't the darkest of lines, but they weren't deniable.  So with that logic, if I were pg, I'd see something by now.  I guess I just have to wait for AF, or lack thereof.
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