
Would you cry if you found out you were having twins?

I read that most people's reaction is usually to cry or be unhappy at first.I know lots of people with twins (myself included) and all of them were super excited and happy...even at first. Do you think your initial reaction (besides shock) would be tears/unhappiness?

I had a dream last night that I was pregnant with triplets and it was VERY realistic. In the dream, I cried the whole time bc I didn't know what to do. 

Re: Would you cry if you found out you were having twins?

  • I'd absolutely panic!!!!!!

    But i have a 1 year old and a 3 year old and the LAST thing we need right now is another pregnancy, with twins!?

  • Honestly, yes I would cry.  I have so much respect for twin/triplet mamas.  I just don't know how you do it.
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  • Scared out of my ever-loving mind is more like it. Not sure I would be unhappy though.

  • I actually wanted twins. I was a nanny for twins for a couple of years, and loved it.

    Although NOW I would cry... this is our last baby, and to find out I was pregnant again at all would make me sob.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • I told the u/s tech to search for another baby with my big u/s with Christopher.  I was just certain there was a girl in I said, "Good, you've found the boy, now go look for the girl that's in there too."

    Twin boys I'd have shit bricks....boy and girl I'd have been happy...twin girls I'd have been elated and on cloud nine!

  • With my 1st I would have been shocked and excited but with this PG I would have been shocked, overwhelmed and possibly unhappy at first b/c we only wanted 2 kids total, not 3 and they are close in age.  But I don't think I would cry out of unhappiness.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • I might just pass out!  DD was a horrible infant and I would terrified of having 2 at once!
  • Cry, probably not however I would be consumed with worry. ?I don't think that would go away...although I would make peace with it and get excited eventually...

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  • I think it's different when you are pg with you first.  You haven't "been there" before (no matter how much baby-sitting you've done) so you don't know what to compare it to.  My DS was a wonderfully easy baby, so if this time it was twins, I would be really upset.  I now know how much additional stress that would add to an already expanding family.
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  • Well, with DD I cried because I was  She wasn't exactly planned, so I would most likely have done the same thing if I had found out I was pregnant with twins.  With that being said, if I were to get pregnant now with twins while having a 2 year old, I would for sure cry and it would take some time to get used to!
  • when i found out that i was having twins i was in shock and just said "OMG!" through out my ultrasound!

    we are probably not having anymore, but i would probably pass out!! i would, of course, like having twins again, but i would love to experience having just one baby at a time!  and i can not imagine being the mother of 4 children.

    my DH says that IF we try again we might as well have twin boys because it is "all that we know!" AND my MIL says that if we try again she is sure that we will have two more!  yikes!

  • Right now? I would cry for weeks, maybe months. I'm sure that I would eventually get used to the idea, but my boys are only 13 1/2 months apart and the oldest is only sixteen months old. We don't need one more baby right now...let alone two.
  • I was the exact opposite - I really, really, really wanted twins this time around, and was bummed when I found out it was a singleton - lol.  With the fertility treatments and the significant increased "risk" of twins, there was a real chance of it happening... sigh, guess I'm just meant to be a mommy of two boys!

    (I'd secretly still be thrilled with twins if we had an "oops" after DS#2 is born; though we're not planning to have additional children). 

  • I'd be excited.
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  • In a word, yes!
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  • If it was right after I had #3, I might...only because we are already pretty tight space we'd have to move pregnant & that is miserable (I did it already twice).  I'd be happy to have twins but I'd dread the pregnancy...I don't like pg & I imagine w/ 2 it'd be worse.
    AKA Carol*Brady! IHO my upcoming 10yr Nestiversary--Back to old screenname. My own Marsha, Jan & Cindy... imageDesigning a Life Blog
  • Maybe I am crazy but I would be thrilled.  :)

    My MIL is a twin, but I am pretty sure that doesn't increase our chances at twins - only my SIL has the increased chance.  Anyway, I would be scared at the idea of two kids at once, but I would be excited too.  I definitely wouldn't cry.

    Although right now we're still waiting to start TTC #2 so maybe I'd be more nervous, but honestly I think if I did get pregnant now, we'd both be thrilled b/c it would take the decision of trying out of our hands.

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  • I would but more for the fear of how I would handle 2 newborns with my 2 other's who are under 3. Also because I am violently ill when pregnant and I hear it is far worse when carrying multiples. AHHHHHH, no more babies for us until late 2010 (=
  • When I found out I was havng twins yes I cried.  But, not out of unhappiness.  I cried out of fear that the pregnancy would be difficult.  But, I was also crying tears of joy that we were chosen to have a gift that not many can have.
  • Yes, I would cry, but not because I was unhappy.  I would cry out of fear.  One baby is alot of work let alone two infants and a toddler.  I cannot imagine.  I would love to have another baby, but just ONE!


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  • I don't even want to think about this...while it would have been nice to get 2 babies in one pregnancy (since pregnancy sucked from beginning to end for me anyway ;P), it would have been REALLY hard to deal with spacewise, moneywise, etc.

    We honestly would have had to move in with my parents, my DH would have had to have 2 jobs and quit school.  It just wouldn't have been pretty.

    Now, we would probably deal a bit better...although if we found out at THIS moment that I was pregnant with twins, I would go into a tailspin.  BAD timing!

  • Um - yeah.  I cried for two weeks.

    I found out at my 20 week u/s.  I cried out of shock.  I cried out of fear.  I cried for the loss of all the things I wanted my first pregnancy to be.  There were so many what ifs.

    Then the shock wears off, and the routine of dr. appts and planning sets in, just like any other pregnancy.

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  • We'd be thrilled. We actually had hoped this pregnancy would be twins.
  • imagegibs:

    I'd absolutely panic!!!!!!

    But i have a 1 year old and a 3 year old and the LAST thing we need right now is another pregnancy, with twins! 

    Ditto to that.  If it was my 1st PG, I would have been excited.  #2 or #3, I'd be fah-reaking out!Indifferent

  • If it had happened during my first pg, I probably would have been a little worried, but I would have gotten excited since I had that whole "idealistic" view of what having a baby means.  If I found out this time that I was having twins I'd freak.  Big time.  That would just be a huge financial problem right now...we'd have to get a minivan for sure, I'd have to quit my job because taking care of 2 infants, a 2-year old, and working full-time (not to mention paying $2000 a month in daycare for 3 kids) would just be ridiculous.  but we can't survive on mh's income alone, so I'd have to work part-time or he'd have to find a second job in order to be able to pay our bills.  Yeah, I'd cry.  Also, Claire was a terrible infant, so I'd be scared out of my damn mind.
  • Probably. I cried finding out I was pregnant a third time. If they say it's twins next tuesday I might just have an aneurysm.
    Evelyn-Mommy to Ben 9.20.05 and Emily 5.14.07 and Callie 7.10.09! Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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