TTC After a Loss

really rough day

hey...just need a little hug today. for some reason i started crying like a baby this morning and i am having a really hard time. i was planning on quitting my job in may for the baby. it is killing me that i will still be working and i won't have a baby to stay home with. ahhh...why are some days so very hard.

Re: really rough day

  • I am so sorry.  I still have rough days too.

    Huge hugs to you.

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    Jack Emmett born on 2/2/10 after 17 cycles and a miscarriage
    Calvin Wyatt born on 1/10/12. Our surprise baby!

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  • Those days do come and go. It is ok to cry and important to let itout.?

    Here is my shoulder for you ::: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ::: and some :::HUGS:::

    Be kind to yourself today.?

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  • I am sorry, I hate those kinds of days! Sometimes they sneak right up on me and there is nothing you can do...


  • BIg hugs to you.  We all have these sad days, so don't be hard on yourself!
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  • (((((((BIG HUGS)))))))

    We all have those days, don't feel bad about it!  Just let yourself cry it all out and than do something nice for yourself.  I give you permission to go buy something really expensive that you don't need, or eat your weight in chocolate! 

  • (((((((((((((((((((((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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    2.7.08 delivered twin girls at 19 wks
  • (((hugs))) I'm sorry that today is particularly hard for you.
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  • So sorry you are feeling down today.

    Sending hugs your way.....................


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  • I'm sorry, I understand exactly how you feel...I would have been due then of my good friends and co-workers got preg right after me (so far a healthy pregnancy) and is due in June ( we wanted to be preg together). Everytime I talk about her to other people, they ask me, "aren't you going to miss her when she leaves?" And it makes me sad, I just want to say, "well I was supposed to be at home with my baby then too!!!!" But instead I think, well hopefully I wont be too far behind her!!! One day it will happen for all of us!!! Keep your hopes up!
  • ::hugs::
    This is my AE.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am sorry. those days are the worst. I hope tomorrow is better for you.?
  • I am so sorry that you are having a hard time today. They sneak up on you don't they. ((hugs))
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