Isn't it too early for temper tantrums? Like the kind where they arch their backs and throw themselves down? How do you handle them? I didn't think we would be dealing with this for several more months. I don't get it. Allie isn't having them, the only thing I've noticed with her recently is jelousy (if Madison is on my lap she has to be there to) But Madison is having full on temper tantrums- especially when she doesn't get her way. Any suggestions welcome!
Re: temper tantrums at 13 months??
Mine have just started within the last week or two. One arches his back and screams. I lay him gently on the floor away from something he'll hit his head on and just ignore him. It honestly lasts maybe 15-20 seconds and he'll quiet down, roll over, and crawl back over to get a toy.
The other will put his head between his legs and cry. I just ignore him although his last much longer.