
Holiday $$ Poll

How do you pay for Christmas gifts? 

Re: Holiday $$ Poll

  • We definitely don't "have" the $, nor do we have cc anymore. We've pretty much just bought what we can afford with whatever's left of our income for the last month or so. DS is so young, and ss gets so much from everyone that we'll end up spending a total of maybe $250 this year (including parents, etc). Times are tough for everyone, so they understand. Plus, DS has so many toys already, I can't justify buying him a lot of new things.
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  • I voted for "we have the money." Not that we have the money to buy whatever we want, but we have the money to buy what we buy for Christmas. We don't spend a lot, so it's hardly an issue.

    If you have to take out a loan for Christmas, I think it's time to take another look at what you're buying. 

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  • We buy throughout the year and just pay cash.  We don't spend big at all.  We set small limits and then just buy things as we see them on sale/clearance through the year. 

    I agree with GHM, if you need a loan for Christmas shopping, it's time to reevaluate.

    DD1 - 12.25.05
    (m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
    DS - 03.15.08
    DD2 - 12.03.09
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