September 2015 Moms

My EBF 1 year old, won't take a sippy cup!

My baby boy turned one in September :smiley: Unfortunately, he WILL NOT take a sippy cup. He is EBF, and never saw a bottle. Whenever I offer the cup or even show him how to use it by drinking from it myself, he just turns his head or slaps it away. I am hoping to wean soon, and this is really getting in the way of that! He hates cows milk, gags every time. I can't mix it with breastmilk because I never pumped. He likes water, but has recently refused that too. I used to squirt the water into his mouth with a straw. I've tried a bunch of different cups, with spouts, 360 cup, basic sippy, straw thinking of trying the Latch sippy cup but I'm probably just going to wasted the $6-$8 on that because he won't use it. Any advice or support will be appreciated. This is the one thing that is really stressing me. I think once we master this (hopefully sooner than later) I can be less stressed & can go on girls nights or shopping days with friends. TIA.

Re: My EBF 1 year old, won't take a sippy cup!

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    Side note: I've even gone as far as forcing the cup on him so he could see that something yummy comes out of it, but he screams bloody murder :( 
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    Following because we are in a similar situation. I'm sorry I have no advice but can tell you you're not alone! My little man was EBF and also never took a bottle. He'll drink water from a sippy only on his terms but he throws it down or pushes it away if he's not interested. I wonder how confused they are since their source of nutrition for so long never came from a bottle or cup. He also hates whole milk. When I tried 1/4 whole milk, 3/4 breast milk (pumped to mix with whole) he still had nothing to do with it and then he was hungry and I had pumped majority of the milk out. It was so frustrating! I decided then and there we'll get our dairy from other sources and figure out the rest as we go. Hopefully there are some mamas here who have gone through this that can offer up some helpful advice! 
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    Mine wasnt ebf after four months, but even using bottles without any problems she refused all sippy cups. My sister comes over once a week though and she drinks out of a camelbak watery bottle and my lo knows how to take sips from a straw so for her birthday my sister bought her two kid sized camelbaks. They're literally the only thing she'll use and it was a slow, looooonnnnng transition. I just offered them over and over until it took. We started with just water, since that's what she wanted, and I just kept offering milk in the sippy cup. We stopped using bottles about a week ago ( my heart is still breaking, i miss the cuddles). 
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    Have you tried this stages cup? The nipple is a regular bottle nipple and when they get used to that you can switch the nipple to the sippy nipple. 
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    This is our favorite cup though 
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    My LO wasn't EBF and still won't take a sippy. Frustrating. LO will drink a tablespoons worth of water out of it, that's it! Refuses milk out of it all together. I'd love to be done with bottles. 
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    I have a cup that has a bottle nipple and sippy nipple that is supposed to be an easy transition, but anything near his mouth that isn't my boob he rejects. I hope we all get peace soon!!!
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    LoveLee85 said:
    My LO wasn't EBF and still won't take a sippy. Frustrating. LO will drink a tablespoons worth of water out of it, that's it! Refuses milk out of it all together. I'd love to be done with bottles. 
    Ditto. My LO will drink water and milk from a sippy (he loves the 360 rim one), but he probably drinks 1 oz or less in each sitting. And then chucks it on the floor (he's a big fan of throwing things these days). How are we supposed to get them to drink 16 oz a day at that rate?!

    We're still doing bottles 4 times a day because of it. No idea what to do!
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    thats exactly why I won't take bottles away! I would be shoving a sippy in his mouth every second of I had to get him to drink 16+ oz out of it! Stresssss. @jen83mn
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    I thought my little guy hated cow's milk but then I just realized I needed to warm it up and now he loves it. I just heat it up for less than a minute in a pan on the stove top then pour it into a bottle. Maybe try a bottle first then sippy cup? The sippy cup is just so different than a nipple, you might need to make a gradually transition. 
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    @LoveLee85 @jen83mn I had the same issues, but I just constantly had it as an option. That was also when we worked on "We don't throw things off the tray. If we don't want a drink of milk, we don't have to, but we don't throw anything off the tray" pretty hard core. I slowly cut back on the bottles if I noticed her drinking, but I don't track the amount at all. She's a big baby and there have never been concerns about her weight, so I don't know if that's part of an issue, but I just cut back bottles slowly but gradually until one day I realized I hadn't given her one in a few days. She's great with her sippy cups now. She never just sits down and drinks it all gone in one go, but she'll take sips throughout the day. I just have to remember to throw it back in the fridge occasionally lol

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    We bought what seemed to be a million sippy cups until we found one LO would use. We bought a couple of that kind and are slowly introducing other styles. We also bought one of those transitioning cups. He liked that one
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    Lurker from October 15

    you could try giving him a sippy with the stopper taken out. It will be a mess but it may show him something good is inside and get him to start trying. Maybe try to with small amounts of milk or water to start and once he has the hang of it tu using the stopper again 
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    LO refuses any milk from sippy cups - I've spent an obscene amount of money on every type of sippy cup and transition cup there is. Tried cold milk, warm milk, room temp. Nothing works. So I talked to her doc who said she doesn't need milk at this age, she can get all nutrients from food. I was baffled, I thought they needed milk! Doc said too that if you just stop bottles cold turkey and only offer it in a sippy cup most kids will crack after a few days and start drinking from the sippy cup. Nope, not my LO. So now she literally drinks no milk. She refuses juice too. So all she drinks is water and I try to give her a well balanced diet to make up for lack of milk. Perhaps SOME DAY she will do it for me LOL! 
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    I've tried tons and tons of sippy cups but LO isn't interested. I find she is way more interested in drinking from a regular cup or a straw
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    I know this sounds crazy but my daughter went through the same thing and would NOT take anything but the bottle so my in laws watched her for the day while I went to school and they just gave her a sippy cup and hid the bottles and she still uses the sippy cup to this day. I think sometimes because it's 'mommy' who is trying they know they can't get away with more so we had Nana do it and it honestly worked out perfectly. 
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