December 2015 Moms

Why? WHY?!

39+1 today, ever since last Wednesday I've been having the menstrual like cramps consistently come and go with no progression. This morning I wake up to those same cramps, a little stronger in intensity and the GLORIOUS pain of contractions. I time the first (really the second) one that I feel and by God it lasts the whole minute. As I wait for the next one I start to get excited, its finally time! My baby boy is on the way. The whole time the period cramp pain has never left. I feel another contraction about 45 minutes later and thus, the wait begins. Or so I thought. It has now been two hours and all pains have completely diminished. I'm EXTREMELY bummed, why is my body playing these tricks on me! Is it because I want it so much? *sigh* any other ladies just wanting to know why?
(BTW babies fine and doc was called so no problems)

Re: Why? WHY?!

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    Sorry momma. My little one has been playing these tricks on me for 3 weeks! Hopefully your D day will be here soon.
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    @heatherkennedy021 thanks, it's just starting to get me down that he isn't here yet.
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    Girl! I feel you! I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow so I really don't need to complain and baby will continue me when he's ready but I am getting so impatient!!! I've been having contractions since week 19 but lately I've had a lot of pelvic pressure and sharp pains along with period like cramps.

    Our babies will come but it's not nice that our bodies like to fake us out!
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    I feel you. I'll be 35 weeks on Wednesday. It's still too early for me to go, but I know your pain. When I feel those pains I get excited then remind myself "too soon, come back in 3 or so weeks"
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    39&5 and this happens everyday now. Get my hopes up and then they go away. So much fun.

    BFP #1 April 14th, 2014 MMC at 17weeks with a baby boy D&E

    BFP # 2 March 23rd, Rainbow Baby Boy Jayce Michael born 12/9/15

    BFP#3 January 26th EDD October 9th! Hoping for my girl!

     <a href="" title="Parenting Tips"><img src="" alt=" BabyFruit Ticker" border="0" /></a>

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    In same boat. Thought it was it...had lots of blood and contractions...then they fizzled out. Now i just have sporadic cramps and contractions. No blood. No end in sight. And the dr was supposed to call me this acternoon (they are now closed) to tell me if she could break my water tonight. Figures...they forgot me. Im so upset. Due tomorow.
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    We shall all overcome ladies!
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    sarahjulypsusarahjulypsu member
    edited December 2015
    I'm there with you. I had some false labor in the middle of the night for a few hours. It stopped just in time for work :neutral:
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I have been in this boat too. Had a dr appointment today and my dr "roughed up" my cervix to kick up my contractions. She is having me induced on Wednesday (39 weeks) because she sees that I can't do this any longer. I have a tiny frame and he is sitting so low she said "I'm not sure how you can even walk right now." The end is in sight!!!
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    40 weeks tomorrow and this happens to me as well. So annoying!!!! So ready to meet my little man. And so done with feeli ng so crappy
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    I'm 40+2 (was due Nov 28th but will obviously have a Dec baby unless he comes in the next 35 min) and this has been happening for a while.  Today was particularly painful  and 10-20 min apart and I really thought it was going to happen.  DH works nights so I'm getting really stressed out about how to know when to call him.  My ob gave me some advice a few weeks ago about it but I don't think we were all counting on the prodromal labor.   
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    I've been having prodromal labor for 3 weeks now... False alarm city! Sucks big ones.
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    Update: I went to the hospital on Monday because I couldn't take the contractions, well I get to be induced tomorrow! DS will be here Friday
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    I haven't had any contractions whatsoever! It sounds like I guess I should be thankful though but it's so weird I've had no signs of labor at all it almost makes me wonder if something is wrong with me since there is so little going on. I was given 2 due dates: dec. 4 and then nov. 28 were the dates I was given. The doctor said she wants to induce me next Wednesday if I don't have the baby before then. I feel uncomfortable about the thought of inducing (not judging you if you are) but maybe he'll come before then...
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    @BrookeBrown2015 I didn't think I was having any signs of labor either (granted I'm only 36+4) but I went in today for a NST because I've been sick the last 24 hours and baby stopped moving, like, at all and I freaked out. Anyway, they hooked me up to the monitor and were like: "did you know you're having contractions?" Jaw: dropped. Even when she showed me I was having one, I couldn't really feel anything different. Apparently it's not all that uncommon. Soooo maybe your body is already doing some of that pre-labor work and you just don't know it! :wink:
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    I'm 37 weeks and absolutely nada for me! Not ripened, not dilated, no contractions. Ugh.
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    I'm there with you. I had some false labor in the middle of the night for a few hours. It stopped just in time for work :neutral:

    I've been getting this a lot this past week. During the night I get contractions and they get painful and then by morning just in time for work all is gone.

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