October 2015 Moms

What are you sick of hearing?

Even though pregnancy is an exciting new time for first time moms, I am really getting tired of people telling me what life will be like after the baby comes. Yes, I know I will be tired, babies need a lot of attention. I'm just sick of hearing it over and over again. It's getting on my nerves. Instead of you telling me how I'm going to feel when the baby comes, why don't we just wait and see how I feel when the baby comes. It's very annoying.

What are you sick of hearing about from others around you regarding YOUR pregnancy and YOUR baby?

Re: What are you sick of hearing?

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    Any time I comment on ANYTHING remotely negative about my pregnancy, my mom says, "Well, you did this to yourself." Or her other favorite when I'm frustrated with my kids, "And you're having another one...." Yes, yes, I KNOW!

    Everyone is allowed to vent. It's healthy! EVERY mother has had a complaint at some point and it's allowed to be expressed when you're frustrated I'm positive your mom has been there plenty of times! . Lol hang in there mama!
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    Yesterday I was watering the lawn and trying a new sprinkler that ultimately was a failure. Bending over to change it wasn't the most comfortable, but not the end of the world. My two (men) neighbors asked if I needed them to set up the sprinkler and why wasn't my husband watering the yard. I guess what I am sick of hearing is what I can or can't do. I know my body, I know my limits. If I'm really uncomfortable I will ask for help. And no, I don't need my husband to water the yard!

    Also, my MIL keeps telling me she doesn't think I will make it to 40 weeks because I am so big already and how baby probably has no room. I like her and she means well, but I'm sick of hearing this!
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    Anyone's advice about anything pregnancy or labor related.  Thanks for the tip, random person, but I'll stick with listening to my doctor.
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    kaweegarkaweegar member
    edited August 2015
    I am tired of being told what brand of diapers & bottles to use. No matter how many times I tell people we are going to try them all and see what works best for our baby, I get a 15 minute dissertation on why Pampers/Huggies/Luvs/store brand is the superior diaper. And the same goes with the bottle brands. I didn't register for diapers because we bought a small package of each of the three big name brands in newborn size and are going to try them all. And I actually had a friend get mad at me because she didn't know which brand to buy! Hello, you don't get to be mad at me because of what I did or did not put on my registry or how I decide to pick a diaper brand!

    Edited for grammar
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    I agree 100%!!!! Or the "your body is just preparing" comments when I say I didn't sleep well..... Um, no. I don't sleep well because I have a wiggly baby inside me who will be kicking my bladder if I don't wake up to empty it! I will be SO happy to sleep when baby sleeps, at least that is sleep!!

    This! I can't stand it when someone says that to me. And they have been saying it since I was like 5 weeks along! I'm like, is that supposed to make me feel better? I don't want any "preparations", if I can help it. If I could I would get all my sleep in now before baby comes. I don't know of any mother that swears that indeed pregnancy prepared her for sleepless nights with her baby. No one can become a pro at not sleeping through the night. It just sucks and you deal with it. But yeah don't try to make me feel 'better' by telling me how much it's gonna suck later lol.

    I guess this one really gets to me eh lol
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    sjembry93 said:

    I sick of hearing "you shouldn't be doing that" "don't lift that that's too heavy". A stranger flipped out about me putting a 16 lb bag of cat food into my shopping cart. Saying someone in "my condition" shouldn't be lifting that much.
    Also sick of people staring at me like I have 6 heads when I'm at the store. It's like they've never seen a pregnant woman before. Sheesh.

    Oh my god I hate this!!! At my MIL's, I got scolded for lifting a watermelon because it was "too heavy".
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    STM here and I'm sick of hearing "better sleep while you can" any time I'm up early and "just wait" when it comes to having 2 children.
    October Siggy Challenge

    Image result for horrible pregnancy halloween costumes

    Oct 15 Glitter Bunnies


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    I'm sick of people saying that three kids is a lot to raise and asking if we are done having babies after this one. Not up to you. not your business. if you aren't raising the baby or my doctor, you don't get an opinion here. 
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    @anorthro I know that feeling! I decided to go back to college when I was 27. I got married at 28. Pregnant at 29. I look younger than I am too so college kids were always staring and probably gossiping too. Damn kids.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I'm sick of hearing any statement along the lines of "just you wait" or "you'll see." Or, "well when *I* was pregnant I always/never blah blah blah."
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    @anorthro this! I just went back to school today and I feel awkward. I haven't noticed any stares because I don't really look at others but I feel so different! I'm hoping I don't get crap from people about it.
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    I agree with the multiple ladies who are tired of being told they can't do things. Yes, it nice of you to carry that chair for me, but you know at home I carry my vaccum upstairs and that's way heavier! I had a lady take a 3rd grade student desk from me and tell me I wouldn't know I hurt myself until after my baby was born. I was like uhh, the watermelon I bought yesterday was harder to carry...
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    I'm tired of having the same conversation 50 times a day:
    When are you due: Oct 25th
    Boy or Girl: Boy
    (Then they get really excited for some reason that it's a boy. I get a lot of "Alright!!" and High Fives... I work with mostly men, and men customers)
    What's his name: this is where I have to stop and think if this person is going to tell me their opinion on the name, bc I have come to find out I don't like opinions or will they just be cool and say- nice.

    Oh and if one more dirty fabricator rubs my belly... I dont mind people rubbing my belly, people I know, other women, etc... but not old grown men. It just creeps me out!! And you'd be surprised (or maybe you wont) by how many do it... I had 3 just today!!!
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    @cmjn94 @Sweet Sadie Mae, I have a lot of sympathy now for teen moms and young moms on college campuses. The judgement is thick and I'm pretty clearly not a young undergraduate college student!
    CafeMom Tickers

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    @anorthro I know that feeling! I decided to go back to college when I was 27. I got married at 28. Pregnant at 29. I look younger than I am too so college kids were always staring and probably gossiping too. Damn kids.

    yeah, agree with you ladies! i'm in grad school and work on a college campus and while the students weren't so bad every professional in the building where i worked would ask when i was due and then ask something about classes, like what will you do when fall semester starts... i definitely have a baby face but i am married, 32 years old, and writing my dissertation-- thanks anyway for your concern!!! and even if i was 20 it's still none of your beeswax! now i am on a leave of absence and kind of avoiding campus. 
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    meghan82 said:

    @anorthro I know that feeling! I decided to go back to college when I was 27. I got married at 28. Pregnant at 29. I look younger than I am too so college kids were always staring and probably gossiping too. Damn kids.

    yeah, agree with you ladies! i'm in grad school and work on a college campus and while the students weren't so bad every professional in the building where i worked would ask when i was due and then ask something about classes, like what will you do when fall semester starts... i definitely have a baby face but i am married, 32 years old, and writing my dissertation-- thanks anyway for your concern!!! and even if i was 20 it's still none of your beeswax! now i am on a leave of absence and kind of avoiding campus. 

    Ha! I'm 21 doing my undergrad still. But I'm married, we are financially independent, and ready for a baby! And I'm almost done with school, just doing part time as I finish up the last year and a half. Luckily my professors are supportive and hopefully the other students won't be morons about it lol
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