Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Loss at 13 weeks?

Went in for our checkup today at 13 weeks and baby had no heartbeat. The kicker is that baby was measuring right on track, and I had just found the HB via home Doppler 3 days ago so it just happened. My doctor is scheduling me for a D&C early next week and told me to come to the ER if I start bleeding over the weekend. Because of how far along I am, she did not recommend letting it happen at home.

We had a missed miscarriage once before at 8 weeks (baby died at 7), and I had a horrible experience with a D&C. I ended up bleeding for 2 months straight and almost needed a second D&C because they didn't get everything the first time. It took us almost a year to conceive again. Not sure if the length of time had anything to do with the D&C but it's made me leery of doing it again.

Anyone had experience with a late miscarriage, either D&C, or natural? I'm still just trying to process everything.
BFP #1 10/6/11 | EDD 6/15/12 | MMC 11/7/11 @ 8w3d | D&C 11/14/11

BFP #2 8/22/12 | EDD 5/5/13 | DS1 born 5/9/13

BFP #3 4/25/15 | EDD 1/7/16 | MMC 7/2/15 @ 13w1d | D&E 7/8/15

BFP #4 12/9/15 | EDD 8/22/16 | DS2 born 5/18/16 at 26w2d

Just keep swimming.

Re: Loss at 13 weeks?

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    No experience with a miscarriage at 13 weeks, but mine was at 10 weeks and I was blessed to heal very quickly from that. So sorry for your loss and I hope you don't have the same experience as you did before.
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    I am so sorry for your loss and I'm wishing you a speedy physical recovery.
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    I'm so sorry for your loss. I experienced an mmc recently. At our first US the baby measured 6w3d when it should have been 8 weeks. They thought the dates could be off so they scheduled another US 2 weeks later that confirmed there was no growth or heartbeat. I was out of town for work and then vacation for 3 weeks after that and my doctor wanted me to try and miscarry naturally anyway. The bleeding started the night before I left to come home. The worst of it was about two weeks later (when I passed the sac), and I would have been around 12 weeks if the baby had still been growing. I'm not sure if the sac was at a 6 or 12 week size as this was my first pregnancy. It took that long for my body to figure out that I shouldn't be pregnant anymore, but I was glad that it didn't start until I got home. I had no complications miscarrying at home this way, it was just a long process. I bled for about 3.5 weeks overall.
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    I'm so sorry for you loss. I had a miscarriage last Saturday at 12w 4 days and went to the ER. They sent me home to finish it naturally.

    Take care during this heartbreaking healing process.
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    ...and I feel like an ass because I didn't fully realize it was you @bananers , I posted under your other thread in TTCAL. I am so so sorry :(
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    I'm very sorry for your losses. I experienced my second MMC in May at 13 weeks. Baby stopped growing at 11 weeks 5 days. Doctor couldn't find anything wrong with me or the fetus, so she recommended that I start taking baby aspirin next time I get pregnant. My first MMC happened two years ago. I had a D&C both times with no issues (except a lot of anxiety over the procedure). It's hard to say why it took us so long to get pregnant after the first D&C or why I've had two MMC, especially since we have a four year old. I will say my second D&C experience was completely different than my first. I think the first time I was completely scraped clean whereas this last time, I feel like the doctor took a gentler approach. I admire the women that have the strength for a natural MC, it just isn't for me.
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    I am so sorry for your loss. I also had a MMC, mine was at 10W5d, found out at 12W check-up. I opted for the d&c, it went smoothly with no problems. It really is a personal choice of what you think will help with emotional healing. Medically, d&c should be easy procedure for most people. I am sorry your last one was not good.T&P your way.
    ******TW******Siggy warning
    BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
    BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks; 
    BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016 

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    I am so, so sorry for your loss. That is just heartbreaking.   I've had 2 miscarriages - a MMC at 9.5 weeks and a miscarriage that started with heavy bleeding at 6 weeks.  I had a D&C with both.  Physically, my recovery was MUCH easier with my 9.5 week MC than with my 6 week MC -- which was not what I was expecting at all. So for me at least, there was no correlation between how far along I was and the D&C recovery.  I'm not sure if my experience was typical though.  Best of luck to you -- sending lots of love and positive thoughts. 
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