2nd Trimester

15 weeks pregnant and partner has left me..

I guess I'm writing as I'm so desperate to find hope..
My partner has just left me. I'm riddled with depression and have been seeing my doctor and councillors to try and get in a good head space. My partner cheated on me some time ago and we have been working through that, and then I conceived. Baby was not planned and very unexpected as I was told I would not be able to conceive naturally. My now ex said that I am not getting over his cheating quickly enough and he can't handle not being trusted so called in off and kicked me out. I'm terrified and cannot think past him moving on to a new love while I carry his child, give birth and raise this baby. Stupidly I still love him... I'm at a loss.. I'm scared of how I feel towards my baby as I wish I could get away from this man who has broken my heart into a million pieces but reality is he will be in my life forever. I'm so scared of what my future holds.

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Re: 15 weeks pregnant and partner has left me..

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    Sorry sweetie- that has to be hard. You're going to grieve the loss of a love- that's totally normal and ok. Just try to find the positives in your little one whenever you can. Remember, plenty of women have children with one person but move on to other and better relationships. This change, while hard, may be the best thing for your and LO's futures! Rely on friends and family and keep hope. Broken hearts heal- good luck!
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    I am sorry you are going through the heartbreak. It's been a while since I've gone through a break up, but I definitely remember how consuming it can be. Keep talking to your counselors and lean on family and friends for now. Your ex sounds like things just weren't easy enough for him, so he didn't want to put the time and energy in to make it work. Wouldn't you rather find that out now than a week after the baby is born? I'm glad you have some time to focus on you and getting help before you have the stress of little one. It will get better, and it will probably happen sooner than you think!
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    eish22eish22 member
    I completely agree with groovylocks! Something in his behavior is very off.. Like he's still up to something even after he was "done cheating ". You have every right to take your damn time getting over being cheated on! I know breakups are hard, and I can't imagine going through one pregnant, but just remember this happened for a reason, it's a part of your life plan him being gone. He sounds like a jerk and you will find someone worth your time and love. And someone worthy of being a part of your child's life. Just know things will get better with time. For now just focus on living that cute little baby :)
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    The more you focus on your LO the less you will worry about "your loss" I'm sorry your going through this but it really is his loss... Your going through life changing moments and he's out being a douche bag. I feel bad for him! Embrace this girl! You can do it!
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    You are what's important here and make sure you do what you want/need to do. Then your baby and then him. If he has left you, has he walked out on you & the baby? Or does he still want involvement with the child? It's easier to be amicable and will be better for all involved. If he doesn't want involvement be a strong independent woman and show him that you can do this by yourself. I can't imagine how you must be feeling but stay strong and time will help everything. Xx
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    Actually your baby is what is important... Then you, lastly him...
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    How sad but be strong god is always there for u and ur baby.. :((
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    I can relate to you me and my boyfriend/baby's father is not totally on good terms right now we constantly argue mainly because I feel like going on 6 months and not really having a baby shower set and things done is not very smart. He feels like we have time. He has also cheated on me before and constantly said he feels like I'm not over it but if it wasn't done there would be nothing for me to get over so that's his issue. I think you should talk to his family. If he doesn't want to be included still include them if they want it and if not more of your blessing for you to enjoy alone
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