Trying to Get Pregnant

Age & Fertility


Re: Age & Fertility

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    BHEAT14 said:

    This isn't real, it just isn't.
    There's 3 or 4 users on here I've suspected is one person trolling for a few days now.
    And if this is real then I quit the human race.

    When did becoming a parent under 21 become trendy? In my day (because I'm old) getting pregnant before college was literally a nightmare. 
    Unless your day was in the 1950's there is actually a lower rate of teen pregnancy now.

    OP, I really hope you take some time and really, truly, deeply, consider this permanent situation you will put yourself, your boyfriend, and a potential human being in.  You want to give your sweet future child the very best shot in life you can possibly provide.  I know that you do.  You need to figure out what that means.  Perhaps you can put your energy into getting your life into that place.  Make a list of things you want to accomplish or do before you have a baby.  Things like: Finish school, get a great job, health insurance, marriage, travel, mend relationships with your family (if possible), set up and maintain a savings account... etc.

    Give your future baby the best future.  Don't give your child anything less simply because you are in a rush and feel like you need to fill a hole - your future baby deserves so much better than that.
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    BHEAT14 said:


    When did becoming a parent under 21 become trendy? In my day (because I'm old) getting pregnant before college was literally a nightmare. 

    Since MTV started paying pregnant teens to star in their very... own.. TV episode!! Woot woot!!

    TTC since March 2013

    HSG: Sept 2014, clear tubes

    Dx: MFI - Low motility, morph, count (Aug. 2014); Hypothyroidism (May 2015)

    Moved to IUIs October 2014

    IUI #1 w/ injections:  Nov 2014- BFN

    IUI #2 w/ injections:  Jan 2015- BFN

    IUI #3.1 w/ injections:  Feb. 2015, cancelled due to cysts- 10 days BCP

    IUI #3.2 w/ injections:  Feb/March 2015- BFN

    IUI #4 w/ 100mg Clomid +  Injections:  August 2015- BFN

    IUI #5 w/ 5mg Femara + Injections:  September 2015- BFN

    IUI #6 w/ 5mg Femara + Injections:  October 2015 - Cancelled due low response

    Moved to IVF May 2016 

    Retrieved 18 eggs on 05/27/2016, 13 were ICSI'd, 9 made it to day-five transfer

    Transferred 2 beautiful day-five embryos on 06/01/2016, froze 7

    BFP 4dp5dt on 06/05/2016!  Line continued to darken beautifully!

    EDD:  February 17, 2017

    Beta #1:  92

    Beta #2:  305 

    Ultrasound #1 - one baby!

    Ultrasound #2 - saw heartbeat!

    LFAF Badges:


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    MagicMikkiMagicMikki member
    edited April 2015

    My gif isn't working. Ugh, I suck.

    TTC since March 2013

    HSG: Sept 2014, clear tubes

    Dx: MFI - Low motility, morph, count (Aug. 2014); Hypothyroidism (May 2015)

    Moved to IUIs October 2014

    IUI #1 w/ injections:  Nov 2014- BFN

    IUI #2 w/ injections:  Jan 2015- BFN

    IUI #3.1 w/ injections:  Feb. 2015, cancelled due to cysts- 10 days BCP

    IUI #3.2 w/ injections:  Feb/March 2015- BFN

    IUI #4 w/ 100mg Clomid +  Injections:  August 2015- BFN

    IUI #5 w/ 5mg Femara + Injections:  September 2015- BFN

    IUI #6 w/ 5mg Femara + Injections:  October 2015 - Cancelled due low response

    Moved to IVF May 2016 

    Retrieved 18 eggs on 05/27/2016, 13 were ICSI'd, 9 made it to day-five transfer

    Transferred 2 beautiful day-five embryos on 06/01/2016, froze 7

    BFP 4dp5dt on 06/05/2016!  Line continued to darken beautifully!

    EDD:  February 17, 2017

    Beta #1:  92

    Beta #2:  305 

    Ultrasound #1 - one baby!

    Ultrasound #2 - saw heartbeat!

    LFAF Badges:


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    Yes I know how to do all of that. I'm not a stupid young minded girl. You guys fail to realize that sometimes young couples could be just as successful as older couples. Just because you are 26 and married do you think there's no chance you and your husband can split up? I have had a lot of time to think about my decision. As for he "support system" I don't have one besides my boyfriends family. I do not speak with my family. You ladies can judge me all you would like, but I'm smarter than average. I'm not a young girl who runs around sleeping with everyone and just gets pregnant and has no back up plans, or goals for myself. I have all my cracks covered.

    If my husband dies, or we get divorced, I am able to support myself and my two sons with my salary alone.
    I'm curious now. What is your back-up plan, OP, if life doesn't go as planned? 
    TTC #1 - Nov '14
    BFP 2/3/16  EDD 10/16/16
    DS born 10/18

    LFAF: Frankly Disturbing
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    hi everyone. Just wondering does age really affect your fertility? I am young, some of you might say to young to even be on this board but here I am :) this is the right step for me and I just want to know if age really does affect your fertility when your young

    Infertility can affect anyone of reproductive age.

    I am almost 32 with two kids. So, in my case age was not a factor. I'll have to see how long it takes me when we go from "just having sex whenever" to timed sex.

    Now I must know how old you are? It's like a theme these days with the kids fresh out of high school wanting to get KTFU.

    LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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    Yes I am under 20, I am actually 18.

    Ok, I will be the bad guy, here. You're not going to like me, but that's ok because I do not support teen pregnancy.

    There is a very big difference between being physically capable and emotionally/mentally capable in having a baby. In this case, you may be physically able to conceive and carry a child, but at 18, it is nearly impossible to be emotionally and mentally capable for pregnancy and childbirth.

    Parenthood is not high school and it is not a game. It is a huge responsibility that should not be taken lightly. I know that at 18, you may think you're ready to bring a baby into this world, but I am most certain that there are things you are missing out on. Have you analyzed the financial aspect of parenthood? How much it costs to clothe, feed, and diaper an infant? How much daycare costs are? How you will complete school with an infant? I watched an episode of 16 and Pregnant the other day (forgive me- there was nothing else on!) and the father of the baby thought they were going to be "ok" because his paychecks were bringing in at least $900 a month. A MONTH! That will not even cover rent.

    Have you considered the toll parenthood will take on your relationship? Of course, there are some (few) young couples who "make it", but that is NOT the norm. There is a very small chance that your relationship will survive parenthood, if it even survives the pregnancy! I believe most people would agree in that they would prefer to have both parents raising the child together.

    You are likely headed for a very, very hard life. I'm sure you've thought about it, talked about it with your partner, talked about marriage maybe... But unfortunately, the media makes teen pregnancy seem glamorous, when in fact, it's ugly.

    You have your whole life ahead of you! You have choices and options in life! Being a parent is definitely one of them, but you have that option today at 18 and ten years from now at 28, after you've lived a little more! Give yourself the option to go to college. Make new friends. Grow up. Get drunk on your 21st birthday. Travel to FL on spring break in college. Find a fulfilling career. Maybe even get a promotion at work! No need to rush! Obviously, all these things are possible even with a child, but the stats are so very slim. And, give your future child/children the life they deserve, too.

    I know I'm the bad guy, here. I'm cool with that! You may not have even gotten to the end of this post before checking out, but I had to get this out for my own sanity... There have been FAR too many posts from very young potential mothers lately and I needed to get it out there that I CANNOT support teen pregnancy. I'm sure there will be others on this board who agree.
    =D> =D>

    LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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    So I know that OP will probably never read this/return... but I wanted to share this for anyone else who might be interested.  Being young does not mean you will automatically have an easy great pregnancy and birth.  In fact, studies have shown that teenage mothers are more likely to have babies with a low birth weight, get pre-eclampsia,  and are even more likely to give birth to babies with genetic abnormalities, when compared with women in their 20s and even 30s.

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    BHEAT14 said:

    BHEAT14 said:

    Did anyone else feel 50 at the point she said she liked getting advice from older women? It was almost as bad as the teenager that quoted lyrics to me a few weeks ago that were written by "Jayden Smith's dad." I feel so old...

    I feel old all the time lately. My younger cousin (my 1st cousin's child) had a 90's themed sweet 16. I cried. I also had another cousin say how she wished she grew up on the early 00's because we had the best music. I was like NO you cannot covet my teenaged years, I'm too young!
    Dashboard Confessional is the shit, though, lol
    I legitimately love Screaming Infidelities. No lie, that was break up song when I kept breaking up and getting back together with my high school BF. 
    I saw Chris Carrabba has a new band, but I've never listened to anything.  Twin Forks, either of you listened to anything?
    Me: 28 DH: 30
    TTC #1: April 2015
    BFP: 4/25/15
    EDD: 1/5/16
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    I did read through all these comments, and I don't think anyone is being judged and nobody is hurting my feelings. I didn't come here for affirmation. I had questions just like all the other bumpies on here. I already had my questions answered on a different board. That was all I needed.
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    Ooff this thread hurts my brain! I was with my current DH at 18 but even knowing where we ended up now ten years later, getting pregnant at 18 would have been a tragedy and ruined my life. We weren't mature enough to handle it and probably would have killed each other and/or broken up, whichever came first. Neither of us would have finished college, we wouldn't have careers, a house, etc.

    Not being able to see the consequences of that decision further proves OP doesn't fully grasp the gravity of how a child changes your life. I am now 28 and I have days I question whether we are ready! Even if you are the most mature 18 year old ever, I truly believe it is not possible to be mentally or emotionally prepared for a baby at that age. Yes, it happens and people survive, but most would tell you it would have been easier if they waited until they had lived life and become "old person stable", not 18 yo stable.

    I agree with PP, try a dog first!
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    I did read through all these comments, and I don't think anyone is being judged and nobody is hurting my feelings. I didn't come here for affirmation. I had questions just like all the other bumpies on here. I already had my questions answered on a different board. That was all I needed.

    So our concerns about teen pregnancies and the well-being of your future baby are of no importance to you? Okay. 
    TTC #1 - Nov '14
    BFP 2/3/16  EDD 10/16/16
    DS born 10/18

    LFAF: Frankly Disturbing
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    Thank you ladies for all your thoughts and opinions. At the end of the day I do not need to sit here and explain my life, decisions, or way of thinking to anyone. You guys are basing that my kid will have a tragic life of my age. None of you know me or my life standards and how I am living. Definetly do not know my financial stability. I to can afford to raise my child by myself if my BF decided to leave. You also don't know my relationship with my BF and I don't need to explain anything to anyone. Yes the simple fact of me wanting a baby is because I want one, I want a family. Just like the rest of everyone on here, you all WANT to start a family.
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    Thank you ladies for all your thoughts and opinions. At the end of the day I do not need to sit here and explain my life, decisions, or way of thinking to anyone. You guys are basing that my kid will have a tragic life of my age. None of you know me or my life standards and how I am living. Definetly do not know my financial stability. I to can afford to raise my child by myself if my BF decided to leave. You also don't know my relationship with my BF and I don't need to explain anything to anyone. Yes the simple fact of me wanting a baby is because I want one, I want a family. Just like the rest of everyone on here, you all WANT to start a family.

    I completely understand wanting a family.  What I do not understand is this cart before the horse mentality.  You do realize that having a child with your bf will link the two of you together for the rest of your lives, right?  Aside from your age, it's concerning to me that you are planning to bring a child into the world with someone when you two don't even seem to have any long-term plans set.  I grew up in a small town.  I have some friends who got married young (not because they were pregnant, btw) and then ended up having kids right away.  But the idea of an 18-year-old intentionally trying to get pregnant with her bf is a totally new concept to me.  (Hope I'm not opening up a can of worms here, but this has really been bothering me). 
    Me: 30 DH: 35 
    TTC #1 - Jan 2015
    BFP on 5/13/15
    DD born 1/24/16
    TTC #2 - Jun 2017
    BFP on 8/24/17
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    I feel like that sounds a little harsh, but I just had to say it. I am a child of teen parents and I loved childhood but there were issues that we most likely wouldn't have had if they waited to have us.
    Married 2006
    DS1 2010
    DS2 2013
    DD1 2016
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    @Monilee1017 I don't think that was too harsh
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Married 10/19/13

    TTC #2!


    My Ovulation Chart
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    cflicker said:

    OP, you don't realize just how many things are stacked against you. Your kid is more likely to live in poverty, get pregnant as a teen etc. You don't even seem to grasp how scary it is that your entire support system stems from your boyfriend. If things go bad with him, who will you turn to? His mom? When it comes down to it, HE will most always be #1.

    But she WANTS it NOW! Waahh!
    TTC since March 2013

    HSG: Sept 2014, clear tubes

    Dx: MFI - Low motility, morph, count (Aug. 2014); Hypothyroidism (May 2015)

    Moved to IUIs October 2014

    IUI #1 w/ injections:  Nov 2014- BFN

    IUI #2 w/ injections:  Jan 2015- BFN

    IUI #3.1 w/ injections:  Feb. 2015, cancelled due to cysts- 10 days BCP

    IUI #3.2 w/ injections:  Feb/March 2015- BFN

    IUI #4 w/ 100mg Clomid +  Injections:  August 2015- BFN

    IUI #5 w/ 5mg Femara + Injections:  September 2015- BFN

    IUI #6 w/ 5mg Femara + Injections:  October 2015 - Cancelled due low response

    Moved to IVF May 2016 

    Retrieved 18 eggs on 05/27/2016, 13 were ICSI'd, 9 made it to day-five transfer

    Transferred 2 beautiful day-five embryos on 06/01/2016, froze 7

    BFP 4dp5dt on 06/05/2016!  Line continued to darken beautifully!

    EDD:  February 17, 2017

    Beta #1:  92

    Beta #2:  305 

    Ultrasound #1 - one baby!

    Ultrasound #2 - saw heartbeat!

    LFAF Badges:


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    edited April 2015
    FemShep said:

    I live in Boston. Infant daycare here runs $2,000/month or higher. Am I the only person who wonders how the actual hell OP can afford daycare for her child while she finishes school/runs her business/works a full-time job? OP, you only just moved out on your own-seriously, how in the world can you do this?

    Yeah, I am a high school teacher and since there is a day care at my school (pretty much put in place to help keep teen parents in school, since teens are significantly less likely to finish school when they get pregnant/have a child) I get a SUPER reduced rate of 1k a month.  It's such a good deal.  Although the students get to use it for like $20 a month.  They definitely don't have any sort of program like that at college.
  • Options
    antoto said:

    FemShep said:

    I live in Boston. Infant daycare here runs $2,000/month or higher. Am I the only person who wonders how the actual hell OP can afford daycare for her child while she finishes school/runs her business/works a full-time job? OP, you only just moved out on your own-seriously, how in the world can you do this?

    Yeah, I am a high school teacher and since there is a day care at my school (pretty much put in place to help keep teen parents in school, since teens are significantly less likely to finish school when they get pregnant/have a child) I get a SUPER reduced rate of 1k a month.  It's such a good deal.  Although the students get to use it for like $20 a month.  They definitely don't have any sort of program like that at college.
    I use to work for my uni daycare/preschool center and its like $1000 for 3X a week for half day(4 hours)....

    so yea no not $20 a month

    Age 24 DH 24 TTC#1!
    NTNP since June '14
    TTC since February '15

    photo mrsespigreen_3_Autocorrect Fail Bumpie-2_zps0y7kauvn.jpg
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