February 2015 Moms

water breaking questions.

So I've talked to my doctor, read plenty of books and now just wanted some real life stories. I'm just wondering .. since I'm a first time mom .. and don't have my mother to ask questions like this. Did your water break (was it a big gush or did you not really notice, did you have Contractions .. did you know you were in labor?! Just would like some stms stories .. and yes I know all labor is different. Just asking.

Re: water breaking questions.

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    I'm also a FTM so no experience, but I read that only 10% of people have their water break spontaneously before labor starts. So there's a much better chance that won't be your first sign.
    j & m
    married July 2012
    My Angel - Amelia Hope - 3/13/14, 22 weeks
    BFP #2 - 6/10/14     Hoping for our rainbow baby    due February 2015

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    I cant give you an answer cause this is my 3rd pregnancy and have not had my water break spontaneously before. I am in the same boat as your are- not sure what to expect!!

    Married to Lee since 9/2/2000

    Momma to Hais November 2002 and Carter April 2010 (with use of fertility treatments)

    Cancer Survivor

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    kbelly777kbelly777 member
    edited January 2015
    I'm not help here either. I was past due with my first and got induced. I'm sitting here everyday wondering if I'll go on my own this time and what it will be like, how it will start, etc just like you.

    We shall see. :)
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    I had period like craps but I wasn't sure if they were contractions or not...I should have realized thinking back. I was trying to go back to sleep when my water broke. I had enough time to get up before the sheets got wet and it was a pretty good gush. My pants were pretty wet and I was wearing a small pad.
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    My water broke with my first and I didn't have contractions. I went to the hospital and they had to give me Pitocin to get things rolling.

    BabyFetus Ticker

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    I woke up in the middle of the night thinking I needed to pee. It was a huge gush and then a leak that wouldn't stop. I had no idea I was in active labor as I couldn't feel my contractions. Even after showering, getting ready, stopping for something to eat and getting to the hospital (about 2 hrs) I was still unaware of contractions.
    When they hooked me up to the monitor I was able to see when it was happening and noticed my belly was hard but I never felt anything. Pitocin was started for failure to progress, then I felt them for sure! I didn't have BH with my 1st that I could tell either.

    Induced with my second, had epidural in place before they broke my water so barely felt any contractions with her either. No BH contractions during pregnancy.

    This time is a whole new ballgame. BH contractions since 20 weeks that have only gotten stronger. Timeable/consistent contractions started 2 days ago at 22 min apart, have progressed to 11 min apart. OB appt on Monday so we will see if any progress has been made.
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    It was a big gush with my first. This time it was irregular contractions throughout the day, a few small trickles and then a bunch of bigger gushes.
    "Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight."
    BabyFruit Ticker}
    BFP #1: 6/10/11 Natural m/c 6/20/11
    BFP #2: 8/30/11 Vanishing Twin diagnosed at 8 weeks, DS born 5/6/12 
    BFP #3: 5/24/14 stick, baby, stick! Beta 1 (16dpo): 645, Beta 2 (18dpo): 1652
    Heartbeat 179 at 8w5d grow, baby, grow!

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    Mine was just a leak, it felt like I was constantly wet as if I used the bathroom and didn't wipe all the way. Took me a few hours to put two and two together
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    I'm one of those rare people that had a spontaneous water break before showing any other signs of labor. I hadn't even had so much as a Braxton Hicks. I woke up one morning feeling damp and I thought maybe I'd wet myself a little. I got up and went to the bathroom and peed, but water kept coming out even after I stopped peeing. Then there was a good sized gush followed by a heavy leak. All I had were panty liners and they weren't cutting it, so I had to put a new born diaper in my underwear to get to the hospital.

    I was put on pitocin when I got admitted because I wasn't contracting or dilated, but I progressed well and everything went fine from there.
                                     **DS 12/17/10** **#2 Due 2/14/15**

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    My water broke with my first 3 days before my due date. I woke up and was sitting on the side of the bed when I saw a wet spot on bed. I got up and water drizzled down just a bit( so no big gush of water like I had imagined)... I went to restroom to make sure It wasn't pee lol... Took a shower and set on the side of the bed again and the same thing happen... No contractions at all. I went to the hospital and they told me my water had broken and started me on cervidil and pitcion....
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    With my first, I had a slow leak in the back so my water didn't fully break. I was having contractions and had an appointment with the doctor that day. I told her what was going on so she sent me to the hospital. They had to fully break my water and give me pitocin to get the contractions going because I wasn't dilating at all
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    With DD I was having contractions that weren't painful at all. I had a contraction that was much more painful then the rest and I felt a pop, almost like a water balloon popping. My legs slowly got wet so I know it just trickled out. It kept trickling but my contractions instantly got very painful and close together. DD was born 5 hours later.
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    Well since I had DS 2 weeks ago I can tell you as a FTM I had no signs of going into labor. DH and I were getting frisky on the couch and I stood up and started to feel a slight trickle so I ran to the bathroom and my pants were soaked. Was pretty sure my water broke but to be sure I put pad in laid down and not even 5 mins later I was still leaking. This all happened at 615pm, Jackson was born 12hrs later. :D
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    Looking back I think I had been slightly leaking all day. At 10pm I got up from bed to use the bathroom and had to jump up because I felt a little gush of fluid. Made it to the bathroom and called the doctor. She said if it happens again to go to the hospital. It did and by the time I got to the hospital I was soaked through my jeans. No contractions (needed pitocin). DD was born 24 hrs after my water broke.
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    BFP #2 11/6/13 - EDD 7/14/14 - blighted ovum discovered @ 7w - natural m/c @ 10w3d

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    A/S findings: Baby is a girl! EIF found on heart :( but maternit21 came back neg for chromosome disorders!!

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    My water broke in the wee hours of the am. I had a slow leak that just kept trickling throughout the day. I started having menstrual cramp like sensations mid-morning, real contractions in the early afternoon, and delivered in the evening. 
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    I'm a FTM and I've been getting anxious about all the same things. Can't stop thinking about them! Lol but I come from a big family- my mom and dad had 11 kids and so last night I was picking her memory about each of us. Her water broke for 3 of us, in the night and really she described it just as these PP have. Almost as though she wet the bed, went to the bathroom, still a leak even when she was done peeing. For her other children though a lot of times she just didn't feel very good the day before she started having labor contractions. Just tired and extemely uncomfortable. Next day she'd start contractions and for her- she dialated and effaced all at once. Babies were usually quick to follow not a lot of time waiting around. When she had me though, she had an infection so she had a fever and that progressed differently. It's kind of cool since she had so many each story is different and you can see each pregnancy is different. But it's also nerve racking because you want to just KNOW what is going to happen so you can know what to expect. But that's just not the way it works! Best of luck to you! I'm right there with you hoping I know the signs when they come- and ready for them to come NOW! Lol
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    I think this is a great thread actually because as a FTM I like hearing all the possible scenarios. I get nervous because I never know if what I'm experiencing is x, y, or z. I've had a lot of discharge (like surges sometimes) all throughout my pregnancy. I would like to know (if I can piggy back on your post OP) how to tell the difference between that and your water breaking? Sometimes the discharge is a huge gush. My doctor is aware - no worries, she said it's all good and normal - but I don't want to confuse the two if the real thing happens. Can anyone speak on that?
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    edited January 2015
    STM. I was getting mild contractions that were noticably regular in timing the night before my waters broke. At 5 or 6 am, waters broke as I was getting out of bed (was able to sleep through contractions). A definite "gush". Contractions became painful about 3 hours later. Baby was born 7 hours after waters broke. Midwife has said not to expect my waters to break this time and to expect half the labour time, so I'm freaking out a bit.

    ETA- the gush felt like someone popped a water balloon inside of me. Also, waters breaking aside, don't worry- you will know when you're in labour. Sooner or later, you'll figure it out.
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    With my first I had cramping- and then realized after about an hour there was a pattern to it- started timing them to see the pattern, even though it was faint. I called the doctor and he had me come in on a monitor and I went to the hospital later that day, they broke my water there
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    My water broke with both my previous pregnancies. 

    1st pregnancy my contractions where 2 minutes apart, I was losing my mucus plug also. I was sitting on the couch and felt a gush. I went to the bathroom and more gushed out. This was around 39 weeks.

    My second pregnancy in the middle of the night I went to the bathroom and my water broke and started gushing out. It continued to gush out as I packed up for the hospital. I had no other signs of labor. This was at 36 weeks.
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    My story is little different , this is my 4th pregnancy i had my water broke only one time in my 2nd.
    In my due date I woke up in the morning and find little pink blood in my underware after that i start feel pain, after 3 hours it became very hard pain but still didnt go to the hospital because its 10 min away from my home and i dont want to rush because i stayed alot of time in the hospital in my first. Until my water broke 10 pm and after that i couldnt even walk my hasband run with me to the hospital and i deliverd on 11:57 on my due date
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    My labor started with contractions that felt like gas pains. We assume my water broke while laboring in the tub at the hospital. I never felt a pop, or anything PPs mentioned. After transition I got out of the tub to push on the bed and noticed that with each contraction some fluid/blood/discharge would seep out so I asked if my water already broke, and they said yes. I had no idea.
    IVF/ICSI #1 - BFP, DS born Jan 2013
    IVF/ICSI #2 - BFP, DD born Feb 2015
    IVF FET - BFP, due April 2017

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    I think this is a great thread actually because as a FTM I like hearing all the possible scenarios. I get nervous because I never know if what I'm experiencing is x, y, or z. I've had a lot of discharge (like surges sometimes) all throughout my pregnancy. I would like to know (if I can piggy back on your post OP) how to tell the difference between that and your water breaking? Sometimes the discharge is a huge gush. My doctor is aware - no worries, she said it's all good and normal - but I don't want to confuse the two if the real thing happens. Can anyone speak on that?

    You and I could be twins. I'm exactly the same, and lately I've been wondering if I'll definitely be able to distinguish between discharge and water breaking since, like you, mine is heavy and sometimes gushes like that. I guess we can find comfort in the fact that it's more common to have your water broken once you're already at L&D with contractions...
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    I was sitting on the couch on the phone and heard and felt a pop. Squeezed my legs together and went to bathroom and had a big gush. Asked dh to get me a pad...stood up and soaked thru it. ..repeated this twice. Finally gave up, put on black pants and sat on a towel in the car. I was 36w6d. I had no contractions but was dilated. Hoping it breaks again this time because I knew it meant labor then..but not counting on it.
    Excited for baby #2!
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Kara Olivia, born 9/17/2012 at 37 weeks. 6 lbs 7 oz, 18 inches long

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    My water broke at 33+5 with no other signs of labor. There was no mistaking it. It went trickle, gush, trickle, gush, etc. When I got to the hospital I wasn't dilated at all. I started having contractions a few hours later and baby J was born 12 hours after that. I did have one dose of steroids, but there wasn't enough time for it to do anything unfortunately. J was in the NICU for 13 days, but has been home with us for almost 2 weeks now.
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    As a FTM, I'm also appreciative of this thread. I'm surprised at how many of you needed pit to get things moving. I hadn't expected to need it at all, so now I won't be as surprised if they suggest it.

    Thanks for all the stories!
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    KyklingborgKyklingborg member
    edited January 2015
    Ladies, thank you all so much! I've been having strong contractions for 3 days now but not regular... Had weak contractions for about a week now. Been in and out of the drs and I'm one centimeter dilated and 50% effaced. So, because of all this.. I'm just wondering will I know when real labor starts!
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    I'm with you, almost exactly... Except 80% effaced as of this past Wednesday. I'm hoping there will be a clear sign for us both!
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    And here I come to rain on the parade.... 4cm 90% effaced. Been this way for two weeks on Wednesday. With horrible Braxton hicks. Never had my water break spontaneously so I'm no help there.
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    I'm not much help ... I've never had my water break spontaneously and I'm on baby 4 ... With 1 & 3 I had pains and went to the bathroom and noticed some blood (#2 just jumped straight to contractions). Contractions started soon afterwards. Mine are pretty painful from the start and I've only ever had BH one time w my first so I'm not too worried about distinguishing labor time. I had my first sign of labor (bit of red) at 8:06pm and delivered at 12:59am with my last pregnancy. hoping this one goes quicker ... epidurals tend not to work on me. And actually, with my third babe my water never broke - even when OB tried twice - so my little was born 'under the veil' as they say.

    Getting my membranes swept Tuesday morning if I can get to the OB office - we're expecting quite a bit of snow over the next 2-3 days here in southern jersey. Hope everyone in the northeast is staying safe!
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    With my first my water broke while resting/napping in bed....it was a modest gush, no pain, thought I was peeing myself!! When I got up and was sitting on toilet it kept trickling....went to hospital a few hours later, had to be induced the next day.

    With my 2nd, my water didn't break until 20min or so before delivery...:it was a pretty big gush but I was so far into labor without meds that I don't remember anything else!

    Now I am 37weeks and wonderif how it's going to go down this time!? You're right, everyone is different and has a offer emy experience...just go in without any expectation and stay calm...it's going to be ok!
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    Sorry for the typos...that's supposed to be "wondering" and "everyone has a different exerience"...
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    Sorry for the typos...that's supposed to be "wondering" and "everyone has a different exerience"...
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    Sorry for the typos...that's supposed to be "wondering" and "everyone has a different exerience"...
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    In a restaurant. After two bites of oysters. Wearing white shorts.. Felt like a gush, but wasnt...didn't hurt but felt the pop. Made it to restroom and couldn't walk or talk through the contractions (4min apart) by the time I left the restroom. Parents grabbed the cars and hubby couldn't even think straight as to where to drive! Here's the kicker: about 2 min before the breaking, my stomach shrunk by half! Baby girl dropped into the pelvis and I looked 5 mo preg! Then pop! 5 hrs later I ws pushing. On 2nd and 3rd pregnancies, did a 39w midnight miso induction and they broke water when ready. Next week is #4 and I know more now and will not allow them to break my water. Will be doing a lot of things differently! Our bodies know what to do!
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    You will know! You're a momma! I promise, the real ones feel real! Download a contraction app or keep your watch handy! You've got this!
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    I just had my first on the 7th. He was 6 weeks early. I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom. At first I didn't think it was my water because it was very little and I had no other signs. Then about half an hour later I had a huge gush of fluid. Everyone was very surprised as I had no other signs I was in labor till about an hour or so after my water broke.
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    It happens differently each baby. First time thought peed myself twice with two small gushes but no contractions that progressed so induced and OB completely broke water while pitocin running...that really got things going contractions very painful then. Second baby horrible pain progressed quickly not defined contractions just intense after about 3 hours of this when arrived at hospital while changing water ruptured all over floor and ready to push right then and there...two pushes he was out. I am not sure what to expect this time...I pay close attention to any fluid leakage and also any pain to see if progresses....I liked second time better. You just never know what will happen .
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    My water broke with my first, it was a gush feeling and I ran to the bathroom and knew it was my water broken. Didn't feel any contractions, and I wasn't even dilated or anything when I was admitted.
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    First baby, I never noticed my water breaking but they said it had once I checked in.  Best guess is it happened while I was taking a shower, hence me not noticing.  It must have been a huge gush.

    Second baby, water was bulging and when I went to poop after 4 days of bed rest, that pushing made my water explode.  It literally shot out 4 feet in front of me.  No missing that.

    This one, my water is still in tact.  ;)


    "Beanie" Natural 7w MC 11/21/12

    "Nole" stopped growing at 7w3d D&E 2/11/13

    Diagnosed with MTHFR and Factor V Leiden on 4/3/13

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