August 2014 Moms

Plane rides, how was it?

I know we've talked about babies on a plane before, but I just want to hear how some of your trips have gone as I am mentally preparing myself for our trip! We took a car trip from Memphis to Phoenix by car over Christmastime with the dog and a baby and it was better than I anticipated. I'm actually dreading a 4 hour plane trip more though! The only flight to fit our schedule on the way back is a red eye... I feel like this could go really well or horribly wrong. She will be sitting in our lap. 

Also, what is your stance on giving the baby Benadryl before flying? Interested to hear some opinions on that. 
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Re: Plane rides, how was it?

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    We survived a couple plane rides and they weren't too bad. I recommend being the last to board the plane because otherwise you end up just sitting there trying to control your baby before it's even time to take off. I tried to put her to sleep by bouncing around at the gate right before getting on the plane and that worked out really well. Also make sure your diaper bag is stocked so you're ready for anything!

    first son stillborn 7/20/13 at 39 weeks due to Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy
    It's a girl! Baby Anna was born August 3, 2014!

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    DD did great when we flew 3 hours in December. Nursed during take off and landing without an issue. The most difficult thing for me was finding a comfy position while she napped.
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    We took our first plane ride with DS#1 (3 years old) and DS#2 (when he was 3 months).  The flight was actually really easy.  What was challenging for us was all the stuff because we had two car seats a stroller, and a dolly thing to put the bigger car seat on.  People were incredibly kind and helpful.  The woman next to me even buckled my seatbelt for me.  I nursed DS#2 and he went right to sleep.  People for the most part are very understanding and helpful.  One note, the woman behind us had a baby in a carrier asleep and they made her take the carrier off for the flight.  Seems ridiculous that they consider it safer to hold the baby than have it in a carrier but what do I know. 
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    Whew so relieved to hear good stories! My parents have a car seat and stroller for when we get there, so we just plan on baby wearing and checking our suitcases so we don't have a ton of stuff to carry around.
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    RosebeanRosebean member
    edited January 2015
    We just got off the plane last night. We made the trip from Winnipeg to Phoenix and she did a-freaking-mazing! I nursed her on the ascent. Soother on the descent. She was pleasant, played with toys, smiled at our neighbours, napped. DS for DH was a bit more of a handful. He's a bit wiggly and I am glad we have a stop over in Denver on the way back. Her only issue was we landed way after bedtime, so the last 20 minutes of the drive was a bit of a loud one. But once she was in bed, she went to sleep and we were done. Our plane was loaded full of babies under 1. There must have been 8 of us, with twins in the row behind us. I don't remember hearing any screamers.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Glad to hear so many positive experiences, we will likely be flying with DS early april (will be 7 mo) - i have to say i'm already having a bit of anxiety over it!
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    We flew at Christmas time and even had a layover and LO was perfect. I carried on my purse and a bookbag with all of DS's stuff that he might need. We gate checked the stroller and carseat. I don't know if you breastfeed or not but I bought a nursing cover so I could nurse him some on the plane. I usually would feed him a bottle before we got on the plane so I know he wouldn't cry from hunger. I would nurse on the plane mainly for his comfort. He did not cry one time. Even when I was not nursing he was perfectly fine. I made sure I had a burp cloth and pacifier/pacifier clip out of the bag when we were on the plane. I also changed his diaper right before we got on the plane. It was a great experience! I think it's alot easier now that they are not mobile. 
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    Not to take over your thread @Kelsbeno‌, but for the sake of not starting a new thread about the same topic. What do you ladies do when by yourselves? We are flying to SC in two weeks and I am mostly worried about getting stuff through the airport. Should I just take as little as possible on the plane? For example, just take a diaper bag and purse and just check our carry on luggage instead of having a carry on.
              Emma June 8/22/2014
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    This is really reassuring! We're flying for the first time from ca to boston in 3 weeks. I'm pretty nervous about it but we made sure to pay a little extra for a nonstop flight and that it would work with her schedule!

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    @RoccoBabyK‌ please do! I'm sure I will be flying with her by myself sometime in the next year. If I were traveling alone I would probably check as much as possible.
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    We just did VA to CA (San Diego).  DS2 was fine, loved "chatting" to people on the plane, but didn't nap great.  Still fine overall.  The 4 year old, well that's an entirely different story.

    I've only given medication before a plane ride when a kid was sick.  DS1 got Dimatapp at the advice of a pedi along with antibiotics for an ear infection when we flew at Christmas when he was 1.  Benadryl makes some kids insane and that would be completely awful on a plane ride.


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    Ladies who wore your baby through the airport - talk to me about security. Do you have to take the baby off to go through?  And do you have any other TSA tips?  

    I'm super grateful for everyone sharing experience here.  I never thought I'd be flying with a 6 month old but it looks like we will in a month.


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    Glad to read everyone's great experiences! We have a trip in May...LO will be about 8 it will be a good thing :)
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    I was allowed to bring bottled water and liquid formula through security.
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    I was allowed to wear DD through security and bring water and formula.  TSA checked the water and did a hand swap for me.  @RoccoBabyK Yes I carried as little as possible on me.  Basically a backpack diaper bag and my purse.  I have flown solo with a stroller and another time with just the carrier.  I haven't yet flown with both DDs by myself (not sure when I'd want to take on that challenge) but feel confident to travel with one by myself. 

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    I flew with baby and myself. I took the stroller (car seat clicks in to stroller) and diaper bag (checked luggage).

    Once we reached the gate I put him in a bjorn and checked the car seat/stroller at the gate.

    He ate at take off and landing. Didn't make a peep. Slept most of the way.

    Dreading flying once he's mobile and older, though.
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    Thanks for starting this thread! I'll be flying by myself with LO when she is almost 8 months and it's a little scary to think about. I don't like flying by myself as it is, not to mention with a baby! I plan to wear her and carry the diaper bag and check a small suitcase. I'm planning on getting her her own seat, but she is a giant and is outgrowing her IC fast. Does anyone have any tips for traveling with/carrying a convertible car seat?
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 

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    We flew to England when LO was 2 months, he slept in the bassinet they provide the entire flight.

    I just flew to Key West last with LO at 4.5 months, flight there was in my lap and slept the whole way. Flight back we were able to bring his carseat on board and he slept the whole way back.

    Security and boarding can be stressful, so the less gear you have the better. We bought a second hand frame-stroller which is lighter and we didn't care if it got banged up. Gate checked the stroller and car seat which is super easy, and that way if the flight isn't full LO can stay in his carseat and have his own spot. We've always been lucky and had a row of 3 to ourselves.

    Most hotels have a crib or pack and play they can provide. I packed an activity mat which didn't take up much space/weight and then just 2 of his favorite toys.

    My biggest hassle is my pumping gear since I EP. I brought it all as carryon. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    Have now done 6 plane rides with DS, the longest was 5.5 hrs so I feel like a pro :) DS did awesome and the flight attendants were so helpful! Nurse during takeoff and landing if you're BFing. The flight attendants always come tell you to hold them in the burp position but then don't say a thing if you don't follow the instructions! If it's a bigger flight, call and see if you can reserve the seat where the bassinet can be installed. Bring a carrier if you use one. I have a wrap and when DS fell asleep I just wrapped it around us and ties him on so I didn't have to hold him the whole way. Finally, don't forget a water bottle! I did the first time and had to ask for like 6 glasses of water!
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    Flew when DD was just turning three months and then again at four months. Three hour flights, she did great, with the exception of a blowout. Make sure you have extra diapers and clothes. She was content in our (husband and my) laps. We changed her in bathroom- some have a changing table, if not toilet with seat down worked (bring disinfecting wipes and a pad). We had bottles for her too and she ate, slept, and looked around. Nursed on the way up and down... Good luck!!
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