April 2015 Moms

Football Teams, getting my baby on my side

I'm a Steelers fan and my husband is a Raiders fan. We both support each others teams except when we play each other. However now we are of course deciding who the baby will be rooting for? Anyone have the same issues and what are your fun ideas to sway your little one your way? I'm trying to "hint" to our fellow friends who are Steelers fans to make sure the baby is styling in Steelers gear!

Re: Football Teams, getting my baby on my side

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    The boyfriend is a huge cubs fan, whereas I'm all about the white sox. I have a feeling he'll just buy cubs stuff behind my back and sneak LO into them when I'm not around and I'll do the same for the sox. At least we both agree on the Blackhawks.

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    @fabledmabel‌ can't be a broncos fan with h the raiders fan in the house that would be complete rivalry every season. @souptin‌ packers are a possibility we have a few on both sides of the family.
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    @rmaurer08‌ I like the onsie idea. Our house already is half and half between our teams.

    Yes I know my kid will choose who ever he wants but it doesn't mean I can't have fun in the mean time!
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    This will be an issue in our house too. I am a Chiefs fan and my DH is a Broncos fan. Big game tonight! He is already threatening to throw away any Chiefs clothing for the baby that comes into our house and I said I would do the same for Broncos!
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    I am a Ravens fan and he is a Cowboys fan. Both of our families are Ravens fans and have already spoke of all the gear they will be buying lol. We will let the child decide once she gets older but with our luck she will be a Redskins or Steelers fan lol.
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    Raiders and Steelers are almost as bad as our divided household... Cowboys and Buccaneers. I think our kid will think pirates are cooler than cowboys ( I mean, come on... We have a pirate ship in our stadium, how cool is that?!), but if the Bucs keep it up, he'll be on his way to being a Cowboys fan!
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    ally3242ally3242 member
    edited December 2014
    souptin said:
    Gross. Raiders and Steelers? With any luck, your kid will grow up to be a good, solid Broncos fan.
    Replace Broncos with Packers and the kid stands a fighting chance. ;;)
    Amen to this. Let the kid cheer for a team that actually wins. Don't punish the poor child. 
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    We're a house divided. My fiancé has been misled to be a Steelers fan and I was raised on the path of righteousness - Broncos. I have a feeling that I'll be winning this one since we live in Denver, but for now we'll dress her in mixed outfits.
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    I'm a Redskins fan and husband is Cowboys. We've made the deal we can't buy gear for our kids, only family and friends can. I have the advantage my family buys more than his. His advantage is that we live in dfw. My older son goes back and forth depending on what parent he is trying to make happy that day. It is tough being in a house divided so ultimately our kids can decide as they get older.
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    I'm a Redskins fan and husband is Cowboys. We've made the deal we can't buy gear for our kids, only family and friends can. I have the advantage my family buys more than his. His advantage is that we live in dfw. My older son goes back and forth depending on what parent he is trying to make happy that day. It is tough being in a house divided so ultimately our kids can decide as they get older.
    We're a house divided- Chiefs/Packers. We too, live in the DFW and the Cowboys will NOT be an option for our boys...just isn't going to happen. 
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    We are a divided Packers/Lions household.  I'm the Packers fan and started DS (now 2.5) last year chanting Go Pack Go, he picked up on it and now started to think that football = Packers.  It was so cute that anytime he saw football he would say Packer ball.  I do support DH Lions when they aren't playing the Packers, so when they play I tell DS to cheer for them. 

    As he grows up he'll pick whichever team he wants to choose to support, same with this LO.  But, it is fun to see him cheer for our teams now.
    Married 6-7-08
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    I think the only thing your baby is going to be a fan of is milk and Elmo for a while. Luckily you have time.
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    Until she is old enough to pick whatever team she likes we will put her in Eagles gear.  When it comes to College sports, I am sure my family will buy her Nebraska stuff, I will buy her Oklahoma,and DH will want her in Penn State. 

    I think all will be good in DH's eyes as long as she never likes the Patriots or the Cowboys.  But if she does like I did as a little girl and picks her favorite team based off of the colors or the cutest player, there is no telling who she is going to like, if she even tolerates football. 

    Me: 34, DH: 32
    TTC Since September 2012
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    Our household is (unfortunately) hardcore jets fans. My family and his family however are solid giants fans. I made up babies mind just simply by using my hormones. I've seen a onesie that said "if you wake me mom will cut you" I've changed that to "buy me giants anything and mom will cut you" simple. ;)
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    Take turns based on who is playing that day.  If they play each other, mom wins.  I mean you did all the hard work anyway.

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    TTC #1, 5 yrs, PCOS, Femera + Ovidrel.

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    TTC #2, 2 yrs, PCOS, Femera+Ovidrel

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    My grandparents are all about sports teams in Buffalo and the Yankees. My boyfriend and his family love all the teams in New England (patriots, Celtics, Red Sox, Bruins). My mom and step dad like the Carolina Panthers and me and everyone else is all about the Arizona Teams. We will let our son choose later lol.
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    Ours is a house divided... We don't really follow NFL.  I enjoy basketball games but I'm a Magic fan, husband is a stupid Heat fan...  And he enjoys college football, mainly Florida Gators, where he graduated from, I'm a UCF Knight so, this baby is gonna be all sorts of all over the place. Maybe I can take the basketball and he can take the college football. lol
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    lexyandclifflexyandcliff member
    edited December 2014
    I love seeing all the devided households. Thanks for all the fun info on everyones teams. Devided households make for a better season.

    @CaterinaC‌ this was a fun post. Try not to get your panties in a bunch by taking stuff so seriously.
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    Have you seen the commercial for nflshop? The Vikings family that turned into a Vikings/Bengals/Eagles/Steelers/Cowboys family. I think that commercial is so cute!
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    You're thinking wrong side of the state with the Steelers. Eagles all the way! My husband is a Buccs fan and I may allow one little Buccs onesy. But god help a person if they try to bring a Cowboys or Giants anything near my baby. Right to goodwill that'll go!
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    lexyandclifflexyandcliff member
    edited December 2014
    Yes I have @Sargeantpepper‌ it is pretty similar to my family. I love it.

    Cowboys gear is a definite no in my household.
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    Although we live in Vancouver (Seahawk central) our little guy has his Bronco wardrobe ready to go :)
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